Busy Quotes
I am so busy doing nothing... that the idea of doing anything - which as you know, always leads to something - cuts into the nothing and then forces me to have to drop everything.
Jerry Seinfeld
Well, right now we're so busy that I kind of had to put all the hobbies on hold. But I like going camping with my kids. I have two daughters; they're 7 and 10 years old.
Mark Kelly
I'm not busy... a woman with three children under the age of 10 wouldn't think my schedule looked so busy.
Garrison Keillor
You know what, the drummer is my manager. He's busy. And I'm busy. I don't need the dough, though. But having said that, there's a limit to how much bad music I wanna play. I did it when I was young, and some of the music was OK, but it wasn't great.
Aimee Mann
I really enjoy playing the piano. I took lessons throughout middle school, but I had to drop the lessons. I actually got too busy, but I hope to pick up the lessons when I'm in college if I can.
Miranda Leek
I read upon the subject and grew more and more interested, and after a time I became a member of the National Board, and had duties and responsibilities that kept me busy after my day's work was done.
Rose Schneiderman
There are plenty of examples of people who have had busy lives out there in the world, trying to do good, and written very well at the same time.
Andrew Motion
Currently I am working on another three books, doing a lot of magazine work, am shooting for fifteen stock agencies, plus my own photo library - all this keeps me quite busy!
Nigel Dennis
Busy old fool, unruly Sun, why dost thou thus through windows and through curtains call on us? Must to thy motions lovers seasons run?
John Donne
I have another Russian idea, too, with a place and a period, so I guess I have enough to keep me busy for quite some time, especially considering that I'm such a slow writer.
Martin C. Smith
I love music, and outside of work my family keeps me very busy, I have five children to keep track of.
Alberto Juantorena
I'm used to a very busy schedule. Right now it revolves around training and preparing for Nationals in January. I'm usually at the rink from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. and then I attend public school for two hours, three times per week.
Sasha Cohen
Violent passions are formed in solitude. In the busy world no object has time to make a deep impression.
Henry Home
I've been busy and not busy, and busy is better. I've been busy, but I went through a lot of periods where it was lean for a lot of times.
Ron Perlman