Another Quotes
- Page 64My mom didn't let me play video games growing up, so now I do. Gaming gives me a chance to just let go, blow somebody up and fight somebody from another dimension. It's all escapism.
Wayne Brady
A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other... maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever.
Dave Matthews
Another person who's smarter than I. What a relief to not have to be the smartest guy anymore.
Dave Winer
Yet another thing Canadians and Europeans have in common is an obsession with the United States, and with distinguishing themselves from it, often by crude stereotyping.
Timothy Garton Ash
The geysers and hot springs of the Yellowstone are another proof of recent volcanic activity.
Ellsworth Huntington
God's plan for enlarging His kingdom is so simple - one person telling another about the Savior. Yet we're busy and full of excuses. Just remember, someone's eternal destiny is at stake. The joy you'll have when you meet that person in heaven will far exceed any discomfort you felt in sharing the gospel.
Charles Stanley
My dear Excellency! I have not gone to war to collect cheese and eggs, but for another purpose.
Manfred von Richthofen
Whilst our Hearts are violently set upon any thing, there is no convincing us that we shall ever be of another Mind.
Mary Astell
As for September 11, let us not too easily grant the Americans possession of that date on the calendar. Like May 1 or July 14 or December 25, September 11 may seem full of significance to some people, while to other people it is just another day.
J. M. Coetzee
I discovered that it was a lonely world being a solo artist. Then I started working with another solo artist, Rod Stewart, and he used to tell me how lonely he was!
Andy Taylor
What is the life of man! Is it not to shift from side to side? From sorrow to sorrow? To button up one cause of vexation! And unbutton another!
Laurence Sterne
You see another side of Draco when he's with his dad. When Draco is with his dad, he doesn't say anything. He keeps his mouth shut. He's sort of bullied by his dad, so he acts very different.
Tom Felton
There's a whole lot of songs that men just can't do. The words are from another time and represent too much of an emotional commitment, whereas women can say that because of who they are.
Boz Scaggs
Circumstances define us; they force us onto one road or another, and then they punish us for it.
Ivan Turgenev
It took me 10 years to realize that I don't know 'em, 10 years to realize that it's possible to learn them, then another 10 years to learn how to do things.
Warren Zevon
There is nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife.
Clare Boothe Luce
Women being pitted each other another in Hollywood is an old tactic, but it's not real at all.
Shirley MacLaine
If rock-and-roll is well done, there's nothing so terribly wrong with that kind of music. But the lyrics are another story.
Kate Smith
I think this year we'll open up 900 gross, we're closing some, so the net count is lower, but the 900 are spread all over the place. Some of the closures are relocations, where you're moving it to another place in the marketplace.
Jim Cantalupo
My favorite fruit is grapes. Because with grapes, you always get another chance. 'Cause, you know, if you have a crappy apple or a peach, you're stuck with that crappy piece of fruit. But if you have a crappy grape, no problem - just move on to the next. 'Grapes: The Fruit of Hope.'
Demetri Martin
What we ask of music, first and last, is that it communicate experience - experience of all kinds, vital and profound at its greatest, amusing or entertaining at another level.
Roger Sessions
The only force that can overcome an idea and a faith is another and better idea and faith, positively and fearlessly upheld.
Dorothy Thompson
A grave blockhead should always go about with a lively one - they show one another off to the best advantage.
William Hazlitt
I like Twitter a lot. It is a great way to get the fans knowing another side of you.
Caroline Wozniacki