Advertisement Quotes
Every advertisement should be thought of as a contribution to the complex symbol which is the brand image.
David Ogilvy
The most excellent and divine counsel, the best and most profitable advertisement of all others, but the least practiced, is to study and learn how to know ourselves. This is the foundation of wisdom and the highway to whatever is good.
Pierre Charron
It is a most extraordinary thing, but I never read a patent medicine advertisement without being impelled to the conclusion that I am suffering from the particular disease therein dealt with in its most virulent form.
Jerome K. Jerome
The vast majority of Americans agree with us. We're doing everything that we can. We're advertising, right now we're on television with an advertisement running in the Washington area. We've got newspaper ads.
Michael D. Barnes
A lot of the advertisement is done by saying: first of all, have a complex about who you are.
Isabella Rossellini
A store's best advertisement is the service its goods render, for upon such service rest the future, the good-will, of an organization.
James Cash Penney
The Internet offers an interesting combination of advertising and community by participating in the community you can become an advertisement for yourself.
Walter Jon Williams
We used to get published a lot. And there was this vodka advertisement... it embarrassed me a lot afterwards.
Robin Day
As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents.
George Orwell
A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself.
David Ogilvy
The art of advertisement, after the American manner, has introduced into all our life such a lavish use of superlatives, that no standard of value whatever is intact.
Wyndham Lewis
Never write an advertisement which you wouldn't want your family to read. You wouldn't tell lies to your own wife. Don't tell them to mine.
David Ogilvy
Those who prefer their English sloppy have only themselves to thank if the advertisement writer uses his mastery of the vocabulary and syntax to mislead their weak minds.
Dorothy L. Sayers
It's kind of debatable whether or not the advertisement model is effective. Like whether Nielsen works. For years, Nielsen has been based on sampling. It's not like an electronic bullet that hits your house that tells the people at networks at all times what you're watching.
Kevin Smith
The more facts you tell, the more you sell. An advertisement's chance for success invariably increases as the number of pertinent merchandise facts included in the advertisement increases.
Charles Edwards
I believe in advertisement and media completely. My art and my personal life are based in it. I think that the art world would probably be a tremendous reservoir for everybody involved in advertising.
Jeff Koons