Theory Quotes
- Page 11Internationalism is a community theory of society which is founded on economic, spiritual, and biological facts. It maintains that respect for a healthy development of human society and of world civilization requires that mankind be organized internationally.
Christian Lous Lange
I have a theory about the human mind. A brain is a lot like a computer. It will only take so many facts, and then it will go on overload and blow up.
Erma Bombeck
There was a long history of speculation that in quantum gravity, unlike Einstein's classical theory, it might be possible for the topology of spacetime to change.
Edward Witten
Songwriting is different from music, although I don't deny now that it would be nice to have a little more background in music theory.
Neil Diamond
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.
Manfred Eigen
There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
Douglas Adams
Entropy theory, on the other hand, is not concerned with the probability of succession in a series of items but with the overall distribution of kinds of items in a given arrangement.
Rudolf Arnheim
You buy any book on color theory today, and it's just complete poppycock. Everybody comes out of school painting pink, purple and green. The whole damn cartoon industry has pink purple and green on their mind.
John Kricfalusi
There is a gulf between the high value Americans put on life in theory and its cheapness in practice.
Elizabeth Joan Smith
There are certain people who elicit a really passionate response. It's crazy. That's my Alexander Wang theory.
Taylor Swift
I think that climatic changes have a natural causes according many geological data... I am very glad to sign the U.S. Senate's report of scientists against the theory of man-made global warming.
Uberto Crescenti
I have a theory about that, if you have to say something, if you have encourage for one second a prospective acting student - he should not go in to acting.
Dabney Coleman
It was an absurd theory that by cutting taxes you would increase government revenues, because the growth of the economy would create an overflow of taxes that would fall into the government coffers.
Sidney Blumenthal
In the mid-'60s in Berkeley, the theory of measure spaces of economic agents became one of my main interests.
Gerard Debreu
I joined the Army and was sent to the MIT radiation laboratory after a few months of introduction to electromagnetic wave theory in a special course, given for Army personnel at the University of Chicago.
Jack Steinberger
It's just a theory really, but I have always thought that your physical surroundings can shape your voice and personality.
K. D. Lang
Postman is a media analyst and his theory is that television doesn't influence our culture, but that it is our culture and the presidency and anything that relies on television.
Val Kilmer
I was a teacher for a long time. I taught at a community college: voice, theory, humanities. And nowadays, music education is a dying thing. Funding is being cut more and more and more.
Jon Secada
No theory is good unless it permits, not rest, but the greatest work. No theory is good except on condition that one use it to go on beyond.
Andre Gide