Sacrificed Quotes
It's often been observed that the first casualty of war is the truth. But that's a lie, too, in its way. The reality is that, for most wars to begin, the truth has to have been sacrificed a long time in advance.
L. Neil Smith
On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.
Dan Lipinski
I am not protesting against the conduct of the war, but against the political errors and insincerities for which the fighting men are being sacrificed.
Siegfried Sassoon
The person who has inspired me my whole life is my Mom, because she taught me commitment. She sacrificed.
Mike Krzyzewski
One has to be a lowbrow, a bit of a murderer, to be a politician, ready and willing to see people sacrificed, slaughtered, for the sake of an idea, whether a good one or a bad one.
Henry Miller
It took the producers a while to realize I wanted a full-bodied life. I wanted to get out before I felt I'd sacrificed so much to get somewhere that I couldn't afford to leave.
Sherry Stringfield
My parents sacrificed so much for all of us. It makes me want to give back to them by being the best I can be.
Diana Lopez
Unless we place our religion and our treasure in the same thing, religion will always be sacrificed.
He who never sacrificed a present to a future good or a personal to a general one can speak of happiness only as the blind do of colors.
Olympia Brown
A lot of people, some of them close to me as well, have said that I sacrificed myself by doing what I did in bringing Terry on board. I didn't see it that way.
Bryan Robson
Both of them were the children of the United States. They sacrificed their children for the benefit of the others. But they were not very devoted children of the United States.
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
Remote villages and communities have lost their identity, and their peace and charm have been sacrificed to that worst of abominations, the automobile.
James Norman Hall
Whether a revolution succeeds or fails people of great hearts will always be sacrificed to it.
Heinrich Heine
People who were more concerned with themselves and looking good to their readers then they were with the characters sacrificed a series for the sake of a story.
Len Wein
The ancients recommended us to sacrifice to the Graces, but Milton sacrificed to the Devil.
I believe this with all my heart: The greatest coach of all time in my eyes is my mom. She's instilled in me a toughness and a perseverance and just a never-quit mentality, and I thank her every day for providing me, for what she sacrificed her life for.
Scott Brooks
Just thinking of all the things I'd done getting there and everything I've sacrificed to do so. But what's happening now makes it worth it.
Emeli Sande
Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars, funneled out of Medicare by President Obama. An obligation we have to our parents and grandparents is being sacrificed, all to pay for a new entitlement we didn't even ask for. The greatest threat to Medicare is Obamacare, and we're going to stop it.
Paul Ryan
Some day the workers will take possession of your city hall, and when we do, no child will be sacrificed on the altar of profit!
Mother Jones
God is stronger than their strength, more loving than their uttermost love, and in so far as they have loved and sacrificed themselves for others, they have obtained the infallible proof, that God too lives and loves and gives Himself away.
George A. Smith
Folks, you're the reason that the automobile industry is back. Whether it was the wage freezes, the plant closures, folks, you sacrificed to keep your companies open. Because of your productivity, the combined auto companies have committed to invest another $23 billion in expansion in America.
Joe Biden
I've always believed everything was about protecting the Clinton power structure and anyone would be sacrificed who got in the way of that.
Gennifer Flowers
I have suffered my self to be politically sacrificed to save my country from ruin and disgrace and if I am never a gain elected I will have the gratification to know that I have done my duty.
Davy Crockett
Space exploration and experimentation are critically valuable to our nation. I know of no better way to honor those seven who sacrificed their lives than to recommit ourselves to defend and enhance America's important strategies in space.
Rob Bishop
It all happened so fast. The ghetto. The deportation. The sealed cattle car. The fiery altar upon which the history of our people and the future of mankind were meant to be sacrificed.
Elie Wiesel