Quotes By Scott Brooks
To this day, I hate walnuts and I hate onions because on weekends when the walnuts and onions were in season, we were out there first thing in the morning and out there until the sun went down topping onions or picking walnuts.
Scott Brooks
Progress and Poverty was the most closely knit, fascinating, and convincing specimen of argumentation that, I believe, ever sprang from the mind of man.
Scott Brooks
You don't think the losing is ever going to end, but when it does end, you get to enjoy it and keep working with it and keep getting it better, and that's where we are.
Scott Brooks
I'm very thankful to players like John Stockton and Spud Webb. They've made it possible for someone like me to make it. I think teams are actually looking for one player under 6-feet now, because they make things happen.
Scott Brooks
You can have great players, but if they don't want to be coached, what are you going to do?
Scott Brooks
You worked every day to earn what's on the table, literally. It was a week-to-week thing. And I wouldn't change it. I would not change it for anything.
Scott Brooks
You play 20 games, you have one bad game, I think any team in this league will live with that.
Scott Brooks
I've been around young, talented, non-coachable players. I've been around veteran, talented, non-coachable players. No matter what you do, sooner or later - even if a coach comes in that's able to connect with them - if that's who they are, they're going to go back to it.
Scott Brooks
When you get punched, you have to get up.You have no other choice. If you don't, you're not going to grow, you're not going to get better as a player.
Scott Brooks
When you have an intense game, you're going to have arguments. I have no problem with it. I think it's healthy.
Scott Brooks
I was the youngest of seven kids and I would not have been able to go to college without an athletic scholarship.
Scott Brooks
I've never talked to our guys about being young. That's an easy crutch to fall on. You really just have to come in and build the spirit up of your team by working them everyday, showing them examples of what they've done and reinforce their work.
Scott Brooks
You learn from playing against the best players and the best teams, and we're going to keep fighting and figuring out ways to beat them.
Scott Brooks
When you don't have much and you need to be at work, there's no such thing as being sick.
Scott Brooks
I believe this with all my heart: The greatest coach of all time in my eyes is my mom. She's instilled in me a toughness and a perseverance and just a never-quit mentality, and I thank her every day for providing me, for what she sacrificed her life for.
Scott Brooks