Quite Quotes
- Page 26I know something quite sure. We'll never have peace with this Syrian regime. They'll never give us relief, and we'll never forget that.
Walid Jumblatt
I've loved science fiction ever since I was a little kid, mainly from looking at the covers of science-fiction magazines and books, and I've read quite extensively as an adult.
Matt Groening
Even though I am a professional, and I know what the steps are, I don't quite know how I'm going to do them, because I haven't lived that moment yet. I always feel very insecure and I get very excited.
Suzanne Farrell
It's the emotional trigger points that are important to me because I know if I could believe in the characters and try and imagine how they felt then I'd be able to do something quite honest.
Graeme Murphy
It's important to hold something back, though, because quite frankly my personal life is pretty dull and I don't want to bore people with it.
Matt Lucas
I have lots of records, quite a collection, actually, that I stole from my mom. I have the original 'Thriller' album and I have a really great 'Elton John's Greatest Hits,' and I also have a N.E.R.D. album. Records sound more original. They have more edge.
Elisha Cuthbert
I've not as yet found one hobby that would absorb me completely when I'm not working, but I have just bought a new apartment and didn't quite bargain for the amount of effort and time and money that that absorbs.
Hugh Dancy
I'd love to see a good script of one of my books, in these years of animations and comic book sequels, and had so many written over the years, but none quite clicked.
Carl Hiaasen
But I was feeling quite down at the time. I was living in L.A., which was kind of weird for me.
Bryan Ferry
I'll admit that I do quite like drinks that come in coconut shells. So there's always that.
Danica McKellar
God has put within our lives meanings and possibilities that quite outrun the limits of mortality.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
This was possible only by dint of extended periods of frequently quite painful reflection and digestion.
Brian Ferneyhough
The rhetoric on the Hill is getting very heated and it's getting quite dangerous. The gun is at the head of the American economy and Congress is holding it and its got a hair trigger. We've got to pay our bills.
Peter Welch
I went to a mixed school and I can't remember being bullied at school, ever. I was quite large, in those days. Usually, if you're going to be a bully, you'll pick on someone who is small. I didn't bully anybody, and I don't remember being bullied.
Elton John
You have to get to know your voice and its strengths and play on those. It took me quite a long time.
Glenn Tipton
If there's friends around, I'll cook. Or if I have a girlfriend. But on my own I kind of fell out of the habit of it, and it's a shame really because I know it's good for me. It's something quite therapeutic.
Michael Fassbender
Ironically, that was quite a bit of the appeal of Rumours. It's equally interesting on a musical level and as a soap opera.
Lindsey Buckingham
The thing about drugs and sex is that you lose all your inhibitions. I've had sex in trains, planes, wine bars... and quite a few car parks!
Robbie Williams
You know there are no secrets in America. It's quite different in England, where people think of a secret as a shared relation between two people.
W. H. Auden
Lawyers didn't seriously get involved in the Watergate stories until quite late, when we realized we were on to something.
Bob Woodward
Quite a lot of the girls I get photographed with are just friends and then, according to the papers, I have, like, 7,000 girlfriends.
Harry Styles
It was quite a European war until 1917, when the Americans joined up. They don't have the same sense of the loss of innocence and the cataclysmic loss of life. A whole generation was wiped out.
Tom Hiddleston
In those days I was terrible at athletics and never made a team, but quite easily led my class in academics.
William Standish Knowles
I say have the night and give people the awards, but why do people want to watch people win awards? What are they getting out of it? I don't quite get it. Because they have awards all the time; there's awards for butchers, the best meat served, but they don't televise it. I don't know why they do it for films or TV programs.
Karl Pilkington
My dad served in two wars has been flying airplanes for 60 years now. He was certainly quite an inspiration.
John L. Phillips
I began to think, now is the time. I found quite a lot of opposition in Hollywood about the idea of doing a film musical and we ended up having to buy the rights back. I'm glad we did because it meant John and I were able to make exactly the movie we wanted.
Andrew Lloyd Webber
The biggest change we have to tackle that's out there is that we're digging the hole deeper and deeper and spending is totally out of control. And that's something that, quite frankly, is affecting future generations. You're giving a lot of debt to them and you can't keep doing it. It's not helping anybody.
Jon Runyan