Passes Quotes
- Page 2There's much to be said for feeling numb. Time passes more quickly. You eat less, and because numbness encourages laziness, you do fewer things, good or bad, and the world's probably a better place for it.
Doug Coupland
I've kind of come to the conclusion that what passes for realism in movies has nothing to do with reality and that my stuff is more realistic than that.
Charlie Kaufman
Women who marry early are often overly enamored of the kind of man who looks great in wedding pictures and passes the maid of honor his telephone number.
Anna Quindlen
The anger that appears to be building up between the sexes becomes more virulent with every day that passes. And far from women taking the blame... the fact is that men are invariably portrayed as the bad guys. Being a good man is like being a good Nazi.
Dave Thomas
It's life isn't it? You plow ahead and make a hit. And you plow on and someone passes you. Then someone passes them. Time levels.
Katharine Hepburn
The drug plans our seniors choose will define their health care options for years to come. If they do not make a decision and wait until the May 15 deadline passes, they will face penalties and higher prices for the drugs that they need.
Mike Fitzpatrick
But sweetly and discreetly love passes from person to person, from heart to heart, or it is nothing worth.
Marie de France
Each department of knowledge passes through three stages. The theoretic stage; the theological stage and the metaphysical or abstract stage.
Auguste Comte
I like ice hockey, but it's a frustrating game to watch. It's hard to keep your eyes on both the puck and the players and too much time passes between scoring in hockey. There are usually more fights than there are points.
Andy Rooney
All that passes is raised to the dignity of expression; all that happens is raised to the dignity of meaning. Everything is either symbol or parable.
Paul Claudel
They all said I was a very young guy. Well there is nothing I can do about that but with each day that passes the problem solves itself.
George Osborne
It is pure illusion to think that an opinion that passes down from century to century, from generation to generation, may not be entirely false.
Pierre Bayle
The world gets older, without getting either better or worse and so does literature. But I do think that the drab current phenomenon that passes for literary studies in the university will finally provide its own corrective.
Harold Bloom
I don't have the ideal body type for BMX, but just with anything, you have your pros and your cons. And being small kind of allows me to maneuver through the other bigger riders and make passes they couldn't necessarily make.
Donny Robinson
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer
He passes from lyric to epic poetry in order to speak about the world and the torment in the world through man, rationally and emotionally. The poet then becomes a danger.
Salvatore Quasimodo
I have always felt that a woman has the right to treat the subject of her age with ambiguity until, perhaps, she passes into the realm of over ninety. Then it is better she be candid with herself and with the world.
Carl Sandburg
It's just us trying to start a movement where everybody passes on a bit of cooking knowledge. We estimate that one person can potentially affect 180 others very quickly so we're just trying to spread the word.
Jamie Oliver
God doesn't go to jail for the pound of weed you got caught going over the Laredo with - even though he apparently has the knowledge, power, and care to prevent it - you go to jail. God passes go and the courts collect two hundred dollars.
Stephen Evans
The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.
Frida Kahlo
Washington is like a self-sealing tank on a military aircraft. When a bullet passes through, it closes up.
Dean Acheson
In our era, the road to holiness necessarily passes through the world of action.
Robert Green Ingersoll