Laid Quotes
- Page 2For although Claudius had been accused of gambling and drunkenness, not only were no worse sins laid to his charge, but he had successfully established some claim to being considered a learned man.
Frederic William Farrar
Teens aren't just interested in getting laid. I won't believe that's all they're interested in. I have four younger sisters and they're sick of being shown how they're supposed to react in bed.
Linda Fiorentino
I am laughably aggressive, and the rest of the band is very laid back, so we mix well.
Shirley Manson
Here is he laid to whom for daring deed, nor friend nor foe could render worthy meed.
Quintus Ennius
It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defense of it.
George Washington
We make a lot of fun at President Clinton's expense. But this transition is going to be tough because it's been 25 years since this guy has gotten laid in the private sector.
David Letterman
If men and women are to understand each other, to enter into each other's nature with mutual sympathy, and to become capable of genuine comradeship, the foundation must be laid in youth.
Havelock Ellis
I did though at least expect him to correct the false statements he made when he was trying to protect the Presidency. Instead, he talked about it as though I had laid it all out there for the taking. I was the buffet and he just couldn't resist the dessert.
Monica Lewinsky
My own funeral, I'd like to be laid out in a coffin in my own house. I would like my coffin to be put in the double parlor, and I would like all the flowers to be white.
Anne Rice
There are a lot of things that have to be considered in National. The military aspect of it is only one of them. I'm confident that President Bush will have all of those things laid out for him before he makes the decision.
Hugh Shelton
I had a terrible motorcycle accident, in San Francisco as matter of fact. Doing a picture called... oh, this is terrible. It's a very well-known film and I can't remember the name. That's what happens when you get older... I fell off a bridge in San Francisco and was laid up for two years.
William Lucking
L.A. is kind of laid back, but New York, everybody is out there for that buck, you know.
Billy Eckstine
I'm not saying my idea is the one and only idea. We should have other ideas, but the president has not laid down a specific plan as to how he's going to get us to solvency. I do that.
Chuck Hagel
Now I believe that lovers should be draped in flowers and laid entwined together on a bed of clover and left there to sleep, left there to dream of their happiness.
Conor Oberst
Would that the simple maxim, that honesty is the best policy, might be laid to heart; that a sense of the true aim of life might elevate the tone of politics and trade till public and private honor become identical.
Margaret Fuller
The public treasure has been duly applied to the uses to which it was appropriated by Parliament, and regular accounts have been annually laid before Parliament, of every article of expense.
Robert Walpole
Aaron Sorkin was completely unable to understand the actual psychology of Mark or of Facebook. He can't conceive of a world where social status or getting laid or, for that matter, doing drugs, is not the most important thing.
Marc Andreessen
Things went in a direction that I didn't want to go. I started doing bit parts and things that are pretty much laid out for people in my position. The parts were pretty generic.
Tina Yothers
I've laid down my set of principles, so I will not force government-run health care on anyone.
Mike Ross
They're simply following what was laid down in front and they play the same thing. So, there's no great challenge In being a classical drummer.
Buddy Rich
Walt Whitman, he who laid end to end words never seen in each other's company before outside of a dictionary.
David Lodge
Common tyrants, and public oppressors, are not intitled to obedience from their subjects, by virtue of any thing here laid down by the inspired apostle.
Jonathan Mayhew
Well, Brett was a pretty laid back kid and I think all the pressure was heaped upon my eldest boy, Bobby.
Bobby Hull
Thus united to them in the fellowship of life, he will both understand the things revealed to them by God and, thenceforth escaping the peril that threatens sinners in the judgment, will receive that which is laid up for the saints in the kingdom of heaven.