Kerry Quotes
My position is not that John Kerry is either Jesus Christ or the prophet Mohammad. My position is that John Kerry is the possibility of restarting politics.
Todd Gitlin
I firmly believe that as voters come to learn more and more about John Kerry and learn more and more about his message that they're going to want a President who is willing to address the fact that we didn't have a post-war plan in Iraq.
Harold Ford
Speaking of tax fairness, it was Senator Kerry who voted to increase the income tax on senior citizens on Social Security, earning as little as $32,000 a year.
Bill Weld
But it was very hard for people to separate me out from Hillary Clinton. All their ads were Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John Edwards, and me. They said I was more liberal than these guys, and that if I went to Washington I'd be supporting their agenda. I found that extremely difficult to overcome.
Brad Carson
A Kerry footballer with an inferiority complex is one who thinks he's just as good as everybody else.
John B. Keane
I reject the notion that a high turnout helps Senator Kerry. I think in Florida at least, it's going to help President Bush because we have gotten more registered voters than the Democrats, and our base is just fired up - thanks to your help and a lot of others.
Jeb Bush
Had the decision belonged to Senator Kerry, Saddam hussein would still be in power today in Iraq. In fact, Saddam Hussein would almost certainly still be in control of Kuwait.
Dick Cheney
You've got people who didn't serve with John Kerry saying they did serve with John Kerry in the boat. With George Bush, we can't find anybody who did serve with him.
Mark Shields
When John Kerry and Zell Miller and George Bush can agree on an issue, you know it's got legs.
Phil Bredesen
The thing with Kerry is that all of this is a natural progression, her troubles. It's a cycle.
Laura Innes
In his years in Washington, Senator Kerry has been one vote of a hundred in the United States Senate - and fortunately on matters of national security he was very often in the minority.
Dick Cheney
I think it's less risky for the Kerry campaign to embrace former President Clinton than it is to reject him.
Stuart Rothenberg
I saw some war heroes... John Kerry is not a war hero. He couldn't tie the shoes of some of the people in Coastal Division 11.
John O'Neill
I like John Kerry. I think he's intellectually curious and very thoughtful. I think he's deeply committed on issues like the environment. I think he's an internationalist, which I am.
Howard Dean
Nobody has ever denied that when it comes to his trade - gigolo - John Forbes Kerry is one of the all-time greats. He's in the Gigolo Hall of Fame. See, a really good gigolo might snag one heiress in a lifetime with a nine-figure trust fund. Kerry has married two. When it comes to gigolos, he's Steve Jobs.
Howie Carr
Yesterday Senator John Kerry changed his mind and now supports the ban on gay marriages. I'm telling you this guy has more positions than Paris Hilton.
David Letterman
I think the country is very settled in a lot of ways, and we saw that after the Democratic Convention. I think a lot of the bump that we enjoyed came when John Kerry selected John Edwards as his running mate.
Harold Ford
You can't get much more liberal than John Kerry is. I mean, he's my candidate, but, I mean, come on.
Don Imus
Senator Kerry voted to undermine the troops in the field, and that is not only inexcusable, it is reprehensible.
John Ensign
Cricket the world over, I don't think, will ever know how different things would be without Kerry Packer.
Tony Greig
Senator Kerry has been in Washington long enough to take both sides on just about every issue.
George W. Bush
If John Kerry had a dollar for every time he bragged about serving in Vietnam - oh wait, he does.
Ann Coulter
George Bush, Dick Cheney, every one of the speakers praised John Kerry's war record. No one said he was unfit. They said he has terrible judgment, and that's his record as a senator. Nobody questioned his military record.
Peter King
For more than 20 years, on every one of the great issues of freedom and security, John Kerry has been more wrong, more weak and more wobbly than any other national figure.
Zell Miller
It was sort of that in-between area when people don't talk about their personal lives. That's the kind of life I think Kerry would be living now if it weren't for the Lopez character sort of outing her.
Laura Innes