Ussr Quotes
Where is the indignation about the fact that the US and USSR have thirty thousand pounds of destructive force for every human being in the world?
Norman Cousins
Bobby Fischer has an enormous knowledge of chess and his familiarity with the chess literature of the USSR is immense.
Boris Spassky
The world would be better off with multiple superpowers. When Communist USSR was a superpower, the world was better off.
Janeane Garofalo
This radical transformation of world power relationships reflects primarily in the case of both the USA and the USSR the growth of the productive forces.
Earl Browder
Just as the 99% of Soviet citizens who supported the Soviet regime in 1985 was no indication of what the people inside the USSR really thought, the army of true believers that we think we see in the Arab world is an illusion.
Natan Sharansky