Truth Quotes
- Page 66Not that I regret saying what I believed to be the truth, but I regret anything that I might have written or spoken that could have been used in a way to help to foster that atmosphere out of which came the loss of life of Brother Malcolm.
Louis Farrakhan
What is man's ultimate direction in life? It is to look for love, truth, virtue, and beauty.
Shinichi Suzuki
I write about real people in disguise. If anything, my characters are toned down-the truth is much more bizarre.
Jackie Collins
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.
Albert Einstein
What I claim is to live to the full the contradiction of my time, which may well make sarcasm the condition of truth.
Roland Barthes
If an eloquent speaker speak not the truth, is there a more horrid kind of object in creation?
Thomas Carlyle
Most people live in a myth and grow violently angry if anyone dares to tell them the truth about themselves.
Robert Anton Wilson
My friends seem much more excited about my doing Anastasia than Brainstorm... and to tell you the truth, I feel the same way.
Natalie Wood
Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.
Mark Twain
I came not from within the administration, and it was clear and clear in our discussions and no one asked otherwise that I would lead this the way I thought best and I would speak the truth as we found it.
David Kay
To a poet the mere making of a poem can seem to solve the problem of truth, but only a problem of art is solved in poetry.
Laura Riding
The truth, Prime Minister, is that you have run out of our money. The country as a whole is now in negative equity. Every British child is born owing around 20,000 pounds. Servicing the interest on that debt is going to cost more than educating the child.
Daniel Hannan
The man who cannot endure to have his errors and shortcomings brought to the surface and made known, but tries to hide them, is unfit to walk the highway of truth.
James Allen
Once you go inside and weed through the muck, you will find the real beauty, the truth about yourself.
Lindsay Wagner
The remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true. This is the ordinary course in a free society. The response to the unreasoned is the rational; to the uninformed, the enlightened; to the straight-out lie, the simple truth.
Anthony Kennedy
And the truth is I've always taken very good care of my skin, and always, always worn make-up.
Joan Collins
For me, I don't feel it is a success in the career to be the pretty woman; career success comes from being characters who tell us something about the truth.
Emmanuelle Beart
Most importantly, I agree that the truth of these matters should be determined by interpretation of scientific evidence - experiments, fossil studies and the like.
Phillip E. Johnson
Certainly, my father would not want to see me destroy myself in this business, as so many people in our family have been destroyed. I try to take good care of myself, but we are fighting the good fight, and the truth is powerful.
Sam Sheppard
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
Arthur Conan Doyle