My stockbroker asked me something important today: paper or plastic? Jay Leno
My stockbroker asked me something important today: paper or plastic?
Is it not odd that the only generous person I ever knew, who had money to be generous with, should be a stockbroker. Percy Bysshe Shelley
Is it not odd that the only generous person I ever knew, who had money to be generous with, should be a stockbroker.
A stockbroker urged me to buy a stock that would triple its value every year. I told him, "At my age, I don't even buy green bananas." Claude Pepper
A stockbroker urged me to buy a stock that would triple its value every year. I told him, "At my age, I don't even buy green bananas."
But I can't imagine Harry being a stockbroker at 35. That doesn't really seem the stuff of 'Harry Potter'. David Heyman
But I can't imagine Harry being a stockbroker at 35. That doesn't really seem the stuff of 'Harry Potter'.