Rule Quotes
- Page 11Every unskilled illegal immigrant who enters the United States for work drives up healthcare costs for every American. And, every illegal immigrant we turn a blind eye toward weakens the rule of law our country is founded on.
Elton Gallegly
I think Democrats often hold the unconstrained vision, and Republicans focus more on the Rule of Law.
John Fund
All anger is not sinful, because some degree of it, and on some occasions, is inevitable. But it becomes sinful and contradicts the rule of Scripture when it is conceived upon slight and inadequate provocation, and when it continues long.
Wilson Mizner
George W. Bush and his administration embarked on a full-scale assault on civil liberties, human rights and the rule of law, walking away from his international obligations, tearing up international treaties, protocols and UN conventions.
Bianca Jagger
The new rule of thumb is that 80% of a president's time must be spent in raising funds for their schools.
James E. Rogers
Accept that all of us can be hurt, that all of us can and surely will at times fail. Other vulnerabilities, like being embarrassed or risking love, can be terrifying, too. I think we should follow a simple rule: if we can take the worst, take the risk.
Joyce Brothers
My father kept me busy from dawn to dusk when I was a kid. When I wasn't pitching hay, hauling corn or running a tractor, I was heaving a baseball into his mitt behind the barn... If all the parents in the country followed his rule, juvenile delinquency would be cut in half in a year's time.
Bob Feller
I make it a rule always to believe compliments implicitly for five minutes, and to simmer gently for twenty more.
Alice James
There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible.
Henry Ford
The principal rule of art is to please and to move. All the other rules were created to achieve this first one.
Jean Racine
Negro banks, as a rule, have failed because the people, taught that their own pioneers in business cannot function in this sphere, withdrew their deposits.
Carter G. Woodson
A lesser but still fundamental rule of racing is that you properly enter the event. Anyone who doesn't but still insists on running interferes with the paying customers.
Joe Henderson
If you look upon the rule in Titus it is a rule to me. If you convince me that it is no rule I shall yield.
Anne Hutchinson
It is an endless and frivolous Pursuit to act by any other Rule than the Care of satisfying our own Minds in what we do.
Richard Steele
From the naturalistic point of view, all men are equal. There are only two exceptions to this rule of naturalistic equality: geniuses and idiots.
Mikhail Bakunin
Our religious belief usurps the place of our sensations, our imaginations of our judgment. We no longer look to actions, trace their consequences, and then deduce the rule; we first make the rule, and then, right or wrong, force the action to square with it.
Francis Wright
Nature gives us all, including Prof. Lorentz, surprises. It was very quickly found that there are many exceptions to the rule of splitting of the lines only into triplets.
Pieter Zeeman
President Obama likes to talk about the Buffett Rule. Well, here's a Buffett Rule that all Americans should be able to support: mom and pop businesses should not pay a higher tax rate than Fortune 500 corporations like Warren Buffett's.
Rob Portman
Will it please you to answer me this and to give me a rule for then I will willingly submit to any truth.
Anne Hutchinson
Listen, if there's one sure-fire rule that I have learned in this business, it's that I don't know anything about human nature.
Francis Ford Coppola
The Golden Rule of Parenting is; do unto your children as you wish your parents had done unto you!
Louise Hart
I never would rule out a great character or a great story. I don't care what the forum is. If I get to tell a story that I'm excited about, I'm in.
Katherine Heigl