Quote Quotes
Some people stay in the academic world just to avoid becoming self-aware. You can quote me on that.
Michael McKean
In a prime-time address, President Bush said he backed limited federal funding for stem cell research. That's right, the President said, this is a quote, the research could help cure brain diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and whatever it is I have.
Conan O'Brien
So you can say whatever you want and quote me however you want about politics and make the next payday, and that's fine because I'm making that deal with you, but just mention the movie along the way, OK?
James Woods
I often quote Ronald Reagan, who is pretty close to my favorite President ever, I will have to say that, but one of my favorite remarks he ever made was that when you look at Federal programs, there is nothing so close to eternal life on Earth as a Federal Government program.
Marsha Blackburn
Honestly, I try and stay away from what's been written about me, because if you let that stuff get to you and it's not true it can drive you crazy. One thing that I have heard recently which is not true, I didn't say it, is that I believe I was quote saying 'I will never take my shirt off for a movie again.' I didn't say that.
Taylor Lautner
What is the first thing we did when we took control of Iraq? Protect the oil fields. Remember the administration quote about how the oil would pay for the war.
Peter Schuyler
I would like to have you quote me, Erich von Stroheim, as having said on this day of this month of this year this one thing: you Americans are living on baby food.
Erich von Stroheim
For all my friends in the media who like quotes, mark this quote down. From this day on I'd like to be known as 'The Big Aristotle' because Aristotle once said, 'Excellence is not a singular act; it's a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.'
Shaquille O'Neal
California is like an artificial limb the rest of the country doesn't really need. You can quote me on that.
Saul Bellow
I regard Christian and Jewish fundamentalism, and all other forms of fundamentalism, as the enemies of God - and I hope you'll quote me on that.
Arthur Hertzberg
After I quote unquote came out as a Republican, one of my dearest gay friends said to me, 'You've got to go on a T.V. show and tell everyone you like gay people.' I was like, 'Why?' He was like, 'Because you're a Republican.' I was like, 'I'm sorry who's stereotyping who?'
Angie Harmon
I went to my son's graduation this weekend, and I heard a great quote I've never heard before from Albert Einstein. It was that the greatest danger to the world is not the bad people but it's the good people who don't speak out.
Hamilton Jordan
I think we must quote whenever we feel that the allusion is interesting or helpful or amusing.
Cliff Fadiman
It was a show where you were given a quote out of current events and you had to identify who said it. I was reading eight newspapers a day and had compiled a file of about 300 quotes. I really had to do my research. The White House press didn't have to bone up on any of it.
June Lockhart
We did not go to war in Afghanistan or in Iraq to, quote, 'impose democracy.' We went to war in both places because we saw those regimes as a threat to the United States.
Paul Wolfowitz
I can remember a reporter asking me for a quote, and I didn't know what a quote was. I thought it was some kind of soft drink.
Joe DiMaggio
Obama likes to quote great men but will never be a great man himself. I can't stand it when our leader goes around apologizing for who we are.
Joe Wurzelbacher
My first quote was, I don't want to hurt God's people. Jim Bakker's quote was, I was set up by a female.
Jessica Hahn