Post Quotes
- Page 2Men and women who have served in harm's way experience higher rates of divorce and suicide. Many battle the debilitating effects and stigma associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Ron Wyden
One of the things the government can't do is run anything. The only things our government runs are the post office and the railroads, and both of them are bankrupt.
Lee Iacocca
As we're bombarded with the imagery that we are and now, post 9-11, it's hard not to get hardened by the world and the amount of violence that's allowed to be shown to kids these days.
Mark Ruffalo
I grew up in a house with no running water, 16 miles from the closest place that had a post office. I had a very parochial view of the world.
Rick Perry
We were in Little Rock. We were assessing a very important issue. In the midst of our discussions, we were receiving urgent inquiries from The Washington Post asking about interviews.
Kenneth Starr
Before you, I engage myself to serve my country with the devotion and the exemplary that this post demands. I understand responsibilities of the job and, as such, I give a republican salute to Nicolas Sarkozy who has led France for 5 years and who deserves all of our respect.
Francois Hollande
Think about the way most companies currently hire. You post a job and then get blind resumes in response. This should be a social experience.
Eric Lefkofsky
You need fighters like me to battle, because frankly The New York Times and the Washington Post are not going to fight the fights that I do.
Al Goldstein
Married and divorced, three beautiful daughters, two in college. The other one is 16, lives with her mom. I'm 46, I've worked for the Post Office for 18 years, seven facilities in three states.
Arthur Godfrey
He is a man of courage who does not run away, but remains at his post and fights against the enemy.
I mean, they call it Stockholm Syndrome and post traumatic stress disorder. And, you know, I had no free will. I had virtually no free will until I was separated from them for about two weeks.
Patty Hearst
I mean you might say he had a travelling post office, but also Barney was very, very active. He was a legal officer for the NAACP and they had a lot of problems after Pease.
Betty Hill
Ever since I've become chairman, there have been profiles of me in People, George, The Washington Post, The Detroit News, and all of them could have been written by the same person.
Julian Bond
As Members of Congress we can now engage with our constituents via online innovations like the Huffington Post, while a small business in rural Oregon can use the Internet to find customers around the world.
Ron Wyden
I remember my mom had a big collection of copies of Saturday Evening Post magazines, and that was really my introduction to those great illustrators.
Thomas Kincade
Don't do or say things you would not like to see on the front page of The Washington Post.
Donald Rumsfeld
It was post war. It was very gray, very dreary. Everything was still rationed when I first saw the United States in 1951. I went over to visit my sister who was a war bride.
John Mahoney
The way I understand it, the Russians are sort of a combination of evil and incompetence... sort of like the Post Office with tanks.
Emo Philips
I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes, so live not in your yesterdays, no just for tomorrow, but in the here and now. Keep moving and forget the post mortems; and remember, no one can get the jump on the future.
Carl Sandburg
I would say that the Pentagon Papers case of 1971 - in which the government tried to block the The New York Times and The Washington Post that they obtained from a secret study of how we got involved in the war in Vietnam - that is probably the most important case.
Floyd Abrams
I don't think Post often came to Princeton during the '30s. I can't remember ever seeing him in Princeton.
Stephen Cole Kleene
Twenty-five percent of search results for the world's top 20 largest brands are links to user generated content and thirty-four percent of bloggers post opinions about products and brands.
Erik Qualman
My mother speaks of my step being a source of life-long pain to her, that it is a living death, etc. By the same post I had several letters from anxious relatives, telling me that it was my duty to come home and thus ease my mother's anxiety.
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
In the past 10 years, I've looked at life as this Pollock stuff. And now I'm almost in the post Pollock phase.
Ed Harris
And remember don't high post when you're far from home, and high posting when you're all alone.
Mos Def
I got a pair of red, synthetic satin women's pants through the post the other day with a phone number on. That was quite strange. I haven't tried the phone number. In times of stress I may.
Jarvis Cocker
When 5150 came out rock was king. Post Nirvana and Pearl Jam 1996 is a different story.
Gary Cherone
Newspapers that are truly independent, like The Washington Post, can still aggressively investigate anyone or anything with no holds barred.
Bob Woodward