I was to Japanese visitors to Washington what the Mona Lisa is to Americans visiting Paris. John C. Danforth
I was to Japanese visitors to Washington what the Mona Lisa is to Americans visiting Paris.
Owning the Yankees is like owning the Mona Lisa. George Steinbrenner
Owning the Yankees is like owning the Mona Lisa.
Also, since art is a vehicle for the transmission of ideas through form, the reproduction of the form only reinforces the concept. It is the idea that is being reproduced. Anyone who understands the work of art owns it. We all own the Mona Lisa. Sol LeWitt
Also, since art is a vehicle for the transmission of ideas through form, the reproduction of the form only reinforces the concept. It is the idea that is being reproduced. Anyone who understands the work of art owns it. We all own the Mona Lisa.
Mona Lisa looks as if she has just been sick, or is about to be. Noel Coward
Mona Lisa looks as if she has just been sick, or is about to be.