Life Quotes
- Page 32I guess I have always been deeply terrified to really be someone's wife since I know from life one cannot love another, ever, really.
Marilyn Monroe
Life is too short to be little. Man is never so manly as when he feels deeply, acts boldly, and expresses himself with frankness and with fervor.
Benjamin Disraeli
A chief event of life is the day in which we have encountered a mind that startled us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
You come to a point in your life when you really don't care what people think about you, you just care what you think about yourself.
Evel Knievel
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
My life. The life I'm living that's where all my inspiration comes from. Real life experiences.
Fred Durst
A man is ethical only when life, as such, is sacred to him, that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men, and when he devotes himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help.
Albert Schweitzer
I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.
Abraham Lincoln
We do as much harm holding onto programs and people past their natural life span as we do when we employ massive organizational air strikes. However, destroying comes at the end of life's cycle, not as a first response.
Margaret J. Wheatley
When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up.
Les Brown
Unless one is a religious fundamentalist and believes that man was created in the image and likeness of God, it is foolish to believe that human beings are exempt from biological classification and the laws of evolution that apply to all other life forms.
J. Philippe Rushton
The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. A persistent simplification will create an inner and outer well-being that places harmony in one's life.
Peace Pilgrim
Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.
Henry Ford
Why do people embrace God? In my opinion, belief in God and an afterlife is a necessary extension of man's need to feel that this life does not end with what we call death.
Robert Vaughn
To deprive a man of his natural liberty and to deny to him the ordinary amenities of life is worse then starving the body; it is starvation of the soul, the dweller in the body.
Mahatma Gandhi
Your belief in God is merely an escape from your monotonous, stupid and cruel life.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.
Niccolo Machiavelli
The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.
Deepak Chopra