Illness Quotes
My mother's illness fitted into this protest against the treatment of the sick who could not pay, the inefficiency of commercialism, the waste, the extravagance, and the poverty.
Ellen Wilkinson
The easiest time to cure an illness is before it is accepted as a part of the self-image.
Jane Roberts
Placing too much emphasis on a yes/no diagnosis, meaning you either have a disease or you don't, can lead even the most well-meaning physicians to miss underlying causes and early warning signs of illness.
Mark Hyman
It is in moments of illness that we are compelled to recognize that we live not alone but chained to a creature of a different kingdom, whole worlds apart, who has no knowledge of us and by whom it is impossible to make ourselves understood: our body.
Marcel Proust
The illness, and the untimely death of my brothers, has made me conscious of the fact that - rather than just think about it - it's crucial that you do today what you want to do.
Robin Gibb
I still have in my memory, almost agonizing impressions of a serious illness which I had when I was about eight years old. Those about me called it scarlet fever, and its very name seemed to have a diabolical quality.
Pierre Loti
I had a serious childhood illness - sort of like spinal meningitis - that led to a three-month hospitalization. Afterward, I couldn't be insured because of a pre-existing condition.
Tammy Baldwin
Because death and illness are the most horrible things in life, of course that's where the most absurdly funny things are going to happen.
Julia Sweeney
A man's illness is his private territory and, no matter how much he loves you and how close you are, you stay an outsider. You are healthy.
Lauren Bacall
Well, I like to think that my illness has prevented me from rising to any number of dizzy heights.
Christopher Monckton
I did not fully understand the dread term 'terminal illness' until I saw Heathrow for myself.
Dennis Potter
Neurotics complain of their illness, but they make the most of it, and when it comes to talking it away from them they will defend it like a lioness her young.
Sigmund Freud
Refuse to be ill. Never tell people you are ill; never own it to yourself. Illness is one of those things which a man should resist on principle at the onset.
Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
I still when I wake up hit the ground running; and having an illness, I'm only one of hundreds of thousands of people that live with an illness, and I'm just in awe of the bravery and dignity of the people I see at the hospital.
Karen Duffy
I remember once I read a book on mental illness and there was a nurse that had gotten sick. Do you know what she died from? From worrying about the mental patients not being able to get their food. She became a mental patient.
Ornette Coleman
My biggest excuse to others and myself was that I had writer's block, as if it was some kind of illness.
Mary Garden
But Gulf War Syndrome is not one cause, not one illness. It is many causes, many illnesses.
Christopher Shays
Women's courage is rather different from men's. The fact that women have to bring up children and look after husbands makes them braver at facing long-term issues, such as illness. Men are more immediately courageous. Lots of people are brave in battle.
Mary Wesley
One in four of us will have a mental illness at some point. That is a lot of people.
Alastair Campbell
Besides, wouldn't it be wonderful if no one ever had to worry about the random cruelty of fatal illness or the woes of old age attacking them or their loved ones?
Joan D. Vinge
Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Marcel Proust
To the fantastic mental illness of Rationalism, hard facts are regrettable things, and to talk about them is to create them.
Francis Parker Yockey
I believe that all the important people in my life prior to 1982 were victimized by my illness.
Patty Duke
People aren't going to go bankrupt anymore if they have a serious illness, which was a serious issue here in the country before the Affordable Care Act. And, in fact, the expense of expanding health care for those who need the subsidy is picked up by the federal government for most of the early years.
Deval Patrick