Identifying Quotes
Community organizing is all about building grassroots support. It's about identifying the people around you with whom you can create a common, passionate cause. And it's about ignoring the conventional wisdom of company politics and instead playing the game by very different rules.
Tom Peters
In this day and age when we do so much business in foreign trade, we need the ability to identify trace an animal very quickly, identifying where it came from - where it has been, and where it is at today.
Mike Johanns
They thought they were identifying a set of behaviours, but yeah, they just wanted to have an answer.
Chester Brown
To me, entrepreneurship means something different. I think of it as identifying and valuing opportunity.
Glenn Hubbard
Still, there may be technologies that are very useful in identifying people over the age of 18 because they have all kinds of identifying characteristics, while those same tech may be useless for 12- and 13-year-olds.
Richard Blumenthal
I think we lost a great deal of sympathy and support with the way in which the crisis was handled, most importantly I think when we appeared to be grasping for too much at one time instead of identifying our priorities in a much more responsible fashion.
Billy Tauzin
Identifying and overcoming natural fear is one of the pleasing struggles intrinsic to climbing.
Alex Lowe
Men are self-confident because they grow up identifying with super-heroes. Women have bad self-images because they grow up identifying with Barbie.
Rita Rudner
If a movie is really working, you forget for two hours your Social Security number and where your car is parked. You are having a vicarious experience. You are identifying, in one way or another, with the people on the screen.
Roger Ebert
The ability of discerning high quality unavoidably implies the ability of identifying shortcomings.
Edsger Dijkstra
Also, I think having a musicality about me that helps in identifying different things in languages and getting them right.
Toni Collette
Achieve success in any area of life by identifying the optimum strategies and repeating them until they become habits.
Charles J. Givens
I have a character failing. I am quite incapable of identifying with anything whole-heartedly. Whatever I am doing, I am always planning to do something else. I would rather travel than arrive.
Stephen Bayley
Spiritually, we're all on a path. I haven't declared of defined myself because as soon as you declare yourself you're identifying with a certain dogma.
Emilio Estevez
People are, well, only human. We know that. The rule of law is borne out in identifying, condemning, and punishing those who violate the standards on which we all agree. This is exactly what we do in America.
James Inhofe
Courtrooms contain every symbol of authority that a set designer could imagine. Everyone stands up when you come in. You wear a costume identifying you as, if not quite divine, someone special.
Irving R. Kaufman
We have a way of dealing with information that has sort of personal - personally identifying information in it. But there are legitimate secrets - you know, your records with your doctor; that's a legitimate secret. But we deal with whistleblowers that are coming forward that are really sort of well motivated.
Julian Assange
I think we have a great track record on being relevant, on identifying consumer trends, needs and wants.
Jim Cantalupo
While short sellers probably will never be popular on Wall Street, they often are the ones wearing the white hats when it comes to looking for and identifying the bad guys!
James Chanos
Pythagoras took the next important step by subordinating the mere matter of nature to its essential principle of form and order, identifying the latter with reason or the soul.
James M. Baldwin
It's a slight stretch of the imagination but most people are alike in most ways so I've never had any trouble identifying with the character that I'm playing.
Jack Nicholson