Humanity Quotes
- Page 3One way or another, we all have to find what best fosters the flowering of our humanity in this contemporary life, and dedicate ourselves to that.
Joseph Campbell
I expect to plead not for the slave only, but for suffering humanity everywhere. Especially do I mean to labor for the elevation of my sex.
Lucy Stone
Let us have but one end in view, the welfare of humanity; and let us put aside all selfishness in consideration of language, nationality, or religion.
John Comenius
What is a historian, anyway? It is someone who uses facts to record the development of humanity.
Lion Feuchtwanger
There's nothing I like more than being on a dance floor with a thousand people feeling love for humanity.
Chris Lowe
When I was born in 1942, World War II was still going. And I began to realize when I became a young adult that if we don't teach our kids a better way of relating to their fellow human beings, the very future of humanity on the planet is in jeopardy.
Graham Nash
Humanity is the rich effluvium, it is the waste and the manure and the soil, and from it grows the tree of the arts.
Ezra Pound
Love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest right of the soul, the golden link which binds us to duty and truth, the redeeming principle that chiefly reconciles the heart to life, and is prophetic of eternal good.
A formally recognized equality does, however, accord the smaller nations a position which they should be able to use increasingly in the interest of humanity as a whole and in the service of the ideal.
Hjalmar Branting
When we contemplate the heroes of Christianity, and compare our feeble efforts with their astonishing performance and self devotion, we should fall into despair, were there not a few softening features, by which they are brought back to the ranks of humanity.
John Strachan
If you make music for the human needs you have within yourself, then you do it for all humans who need the same things. You enrich humanity with the profound expression of these feelings.
Billy Joel
One must love humanity in order to reach out into the unique essence of each individual: no one can be too low or too ugly.
Georg Buchner
In all nations an exceptional man exists that compensates the deficiencies of the remainder. In those moments, when humanity is found collectively in a state of decadence, there always remain those exceptional beings as point of reference.
Augusto Roa Bastos
It is in literature that the concrete outlook of humanity receives its expression.
Alfred North Whitehead
Hell is an outrage on humanity. When you tell me that your deity made you in his image, I reply that he must have been very ugly.
Victor Hugo
Hostility comes from loneliness, from not seeing yourself like a drop falling into the ocean of humanity like everyone else.
Mehmet Oz
No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?
Lee Iacocca
What I'm suggesting to you is that this could be a renaissance. We may be on the cusp of a future which could provide a tremendous leap forward for humanity.
Jeremy Rifkin
If everyone howled at every injustice, every act of barbarism, every act of unkindness, then we would be taking the first step towards a real humanity.
Nelson DeMille
I'm very much an optimist. I don't think I could do my work if I didn't believe there was some kind of hope for humanity.
Sandra Bernhard
We had four years of world war which the peoples endured only because they were told that their sufferings would free humanity forever from the scourge of war.
Arthur Henderson
Anyway, I just haven't been able to find any humanity in any Republican candidate ever in my entire life.
Alan Rudolph