Eye Quotes
Only a kind person is able to judge another justly and to make allowances for his weaknesses. A kind eye, while recognizing defects, sees beyond them.
Lawrence G. Lovasik
Straight-away the ideas flow in upon me, directly from God, and not only do I see distinct themes in my mind's eye, but they are clothed in the right forms, harmonies, and orchestration.
Johannes Brahms
Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it's too assertive to the naked eye.
Gordon Ramsay
Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it.
Napoleon Hill
Some people will go to the opening of an envelope. They live their lives in the public eye and get off on it, they need it. They need that kind of adoration. If their name isn't in the tabloids once a week they feel like a failure.
Jensen Ackles
The eye of a human being is a microscope, which makes the world seem bigger than it really is.
Khalil Gibran
When I think of art I think of beauty. Beauty is the mystery of life. It is not in the eye it is in the mind. In our minds there is awareness of perfection.
Agnes Martin
There have been, in recent years, many Asian American pioneers in the public eye who've defied the condescendingly complimentary 'model minority' stereotype: actors like Lucy Liu, artists like Maya Lin, moguls like Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh. They are known, often admired.
Eric Liu
Never try to look into both eyes at the same time. Switch your gaze from one eye to the other. That signals warmth and sincerity.
Dorothy Sarnoff
Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake?
Leonardo da Vinci
Bad acting comes in many bags, various odors. It can be performed by cardboard refugees from an Ed Wood movie, reciting their dialogue off an eye chart, or by hopped-up pros looking to punch a hole through the fourth wall from pure ballistic force of personality, like Joe Pesci in a bad mood. I can respect bad acting that owns its own style.
James Wolcott
The preparations are what they are. We're here. The storm is coming. We are as best prepared as we can be as the eye of the storm approaches.
Russel Honore
The newspapers turn a blind eye to how they get their material as long as they have great photographs.
Sienna Miller
I grew up in the sixties watching B.B. King and Tito Puente and Miles Davis and Coltrane, everybody, Marvin Gaye, Jimi. And at the same time, with my left eye I was watching Dolores Huerta, Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Mother Teresa.
Carlos Santana
You'll never be disappointed if you always keep an eye on uncharted territory, where you'll be challenged and growing and having fun.
Kirstie Alley
To attempt this would be like seeing without eyes or directing the gaze of knowledge behind one's own eye. Modern science can acknowledge no other than this epistemological stand-point.
Wilhelm Dilthey
Walt understood all of those things, and even common things about people. For instance: Usually you get your idea of what kind of day it is by looking at the horizon, because the horizon is your eye level. So what Walt did is to eliminate the horizon.
John Hench
When you're used to being in the public eye, if you've got a disease, you've got to own up to it. It's about being about it, not running from it.
Randy Jackson
My relationship with the journalists who covered the campaign was complicated. I often hid from the critical eye of their cameras and their omnipresent digital recorders, wary of the critique implicit in every captured moment. But I also grew to respect and understand their passion for their work, their love for the journey we were sharing.
Alexandra Kerry