Bond Quotes
- Page 6There is nothing more important in my life than being a father. I will never allow any of my career choices or aspirations to threaten this bond.
Corey Hart
My dog and two cats are such a vital part of my life. To say that I am their owner doesn't reflect at all the profound bond and responsibility that I have towards them.
Tiffani Amber Thiessen
The black community now in many ways divided itself the way the larger white community divides itself, over class issues. And that race is no longer the bond that it once was. That's one of the prices you pay for progress.
Ed Smith
I love watching the Bond movies obviously and I grew up reading the books as a kid. I've always loved them because of that.
Danny Boyle
Brothers in suffering, brothers in resistance, brothers in ideals and conviction. It is now our duty to further strengthen this bond in order to secure this hard-won freedom for future generations.
Guy Verhofstadt
In all our contacts it is probably the sense of being really needed and wanted which gives us the greatest satisfaction and creates the most lasting bond.
Eleanor Roosevelt
And secondly, I would impose a significant state landfill tipping fee and use that tipping fee to fund the billion dollar bond issue that I want to create to produce the funds for all of the environmental challenges that we just went over.
Ed Rendell
For in Jesus Christ there is neither male nor female, bond nor free; even you may be the children of God, if you believe in Jesus.
George Whitefield
And he said that he wrote the Bond character based on the character of David Niven. That's how he saw Bond.
Val Guest
James Bond is quite serious about his drinks and clothing and cigarettes and food and all that sort of thing. There is nothing wry or amused about James Bond.
Ken Follett
I think everyone who goes to see a 'Bond' movie expects to be impressed by the look and the locations chosen. Certainly I was when I grew up watching them, and I don't think that's changed in the last 50 years.
Callum McDougall
My life's ambition is to play a James Bond villain. I have the cat and the eye-patch, so I'm just waiting for the call. For some reason, though, the phone hasn't rung.
Toby Young
We're only one of a few states that have maintained our Triple-A bond rating from the major rating agencies.
Bob Holden
I don't like James Bond. They made him a super hero, but he is just an agent, a human being. In my movies, secret agents are more realistic, I didn't want to portray them in the most glowing colours.
King Hu
A reporter's ability to keep the bond of confidentiality often enables him to learn the hidden or secret aspects of government.
Bob Woodward
When men change, maybe Bond will change. But let's wait. I'm not holding my breath.
Barbara Broccoli
I know it's surprising, but there is a generation of people who haven't seen a Bond movie. They have no idea what it is. I want to entertain them as much as anyone else.
Daniel Craig
Toil and pleasure, dissimilar in nature, are nevertheless united by a certain natural bond.
Titus Livius
I have never been a fan of bond funds. Unlike a direct investment in an individual bond that you can hold to maturity and be assured you will get your principal back (assuming no default), a fund has no finite maturity date and most funds are actively traded.
Suze Orman