Quotes By Suze Orman
Every time you overhear something hurtful, I want you to do something kind for someone else.
Suze Orman
Like your home's closets, your financial clutter needs an overhaul every now and again, and the payoff will go far beyond the psychic satisfaction of neatening up.
Suze Orman
Opposites may attract, but I wouldn't put my money on a relationship of financial opposites.
Suze Orman
I have never been a fan of bond funds. Unlike a direct investment in an individual bond that you can hold to maturity and be assured you will get your principal back (assuming no default), a fund has no finite maturity date and most funds are actively traded.
Suze Orman
Rather than saying, 'My checking account is a wreck,' change it to 'I will learn how to track my spending and balance my checkbook.'
Suze Orman
Every portfolio benefits from bonds; they provide a cushion when the stock market hits a rough patch. But avoiding stocks completely could mean your investment won't grow any faster than the rate of inflation.
Suze Orman
Those carrying a credit card balance should scale back to making the minimum payment each month so they have more money to put into savings.
Suze Orman
If you're saving for the long run, it's actually a good thing when the market is down because the more shares you have, the more you can potentially make when markets rise. And over time - decades, not months - the markets rise more than they fall.
Suze Orman
A pile of bills and statements - whether paid or not - is a sign that someone is clueless about what's coming in and going out.
Suze Orman
I get so frustrated when people tell me it's unrealistic to create an eight-month emergency savings fund, or have money saved for a home down payment, or pay off their $5,000 credit card balance.
Suze Orman
If you're financially responsible, your children have a much better chance to grow up financially responsible.
Suze Orman
No one's ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that's abandoned by February.
Suze Orman
I simply want you to give to yourself as much as you give of yourself. By taking care of yourself financially, you will truly be able to take care of those you love.
Suze Orman
Never cosign a loan. Once you have cosigned, you cannot get out of it - even on your deathbed.
Suze Orman
If you're not staying on top of your money, you are putting your financial well-being at risk.
Suze Orman
I have always advocated doing everything possible to pay off credit card balances; it's good financial management and the ticket to a strong FICO credit score.
Suze Orman
Even if you were to fall into extreme financial hardship and file for bankruptcy, you need to understand that your student loan debt will not be discharged in bankruptcy. It is the Velcro of all debts.
Suze Orman