Quotes By Dick Gregory
I never believed in Santa Claus because I knew no white dude would come into my neighborhood after dark.
Dick Gregory
I went to Ethiopia, and it dawned on me that you can tell a starving, malnourished person because they've got a bloated belly and a bald head. And I realized that if you come through any American airport and see businessmen running through with bloated bellies and bald heads, that's malnutrition, too.
Dick Gregory
When I first broke through, there was only NBC, CBS and ABC, and they had news in the morning and in the evening - there wasn't no 24-hour news.
Dick Gregory
When you have a good mother and no father, God kind of sits in. It's not enough, but it helps.
Dick Gregory
You hear entertainers all the time, saying, 'If I couldn't get paid for this, I'd do it for free.' When's the last time you ever heard a business person say, 'If I couldn't get paid for being chairman of British Petroleum, I'd do it for free'?
Dick Gregory
You know why Madison Avenue advertising has never done well in Harlem? We're the only ones who know what it means to be Brand X.
Dick Gregory
You know, I always say white is not a colour, white is an attitude, and if you haven't got trillions of dollars in the bank that you don't need, you can't be white.
Dick Gregory
When I was a boy, I was taught never to use insulting expressions like, 'I've been gypped,' or, 'He welshed on the deal.'
Dick Gregory
Every holiday on the calendar, I check in a hotel and fast - I don't eat, I don't drink, I don't talk.
Dick Gregory
We used to root for the Indians against the cavalry, because we didn't think it was fair in the history books that when the cavalry won it was a great victory, and when the Indians won it was a massacre.
Dick Gregory
When I go through the airport and see white women walking through the airport barefooted, like athlete's feet don't exist, there's something wrong.
Dick Gregory
If they took all the drugs, nicotine, alcohol and caffeine off the market for six days, they'd have to bring out the tanks to control you.
Dick Gregory
In most places in the country, voting is looked upon as a right and a duty, but in Chicago it's a sport.
Dick Gregory
People with high blood pressure, diabetes - those are conditions brought about by life style. If you change the life style, those conditions will leave.
Dick Gregory
When I lost my rifle, the Army charged me 85 dollars. That is why in the Navy the Captain goes down with the ship.
Dick Gregory
It was an unwritten law that black comics were not permitted to work white nightclubs. You could sing and you could dance, but you couldn't stand flat-footed and talk; that was a no-no.
Dick Gregory
We thought I was going to be a great athlete, and we were wrong, and I thought I was going to be a great entertainer, and that wasn't it either. I'm going to be an American Citizen. First class.
Dick Gregory
I am really enjoying the new Martin Luther King Jr stamp - just think about all those white bigots, licking the backside of a black man.
Dick Gregory