You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren. William Henry Hudson
You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren.
Fool that I was, upon my eagle's wings I bore this wren, till I was tired with soaring, and now he mounts above me. John Dryden
Fool that I was, upon my eagle's wings I bore this wren, till I was tired with soaring, and now he mounts above me.
There was an old man with a beard, who said: 'It is just as I feared! Two owls and a hen, four larks and a wren have all built their nests in my beard. Edward Lear
There was an old man with a beard, who said: 'It is just as I feared! Two owls and a hen, four larks and a wren have all built their nests in my beard.