Workplace Quotes
Community colleges are one of America's great social inventions a gateway to the future for first time students looking for an affordable college education, and for mid-career students looking to get ahead in the workplace.
Barbara Mikulski
Don't tell me how to do my job. I don't come to your workplace and tell you how to sweep up.
Billy Connolly
We still have tremendous work ahead of us to ensure that women have equal opportunities in the workplace and in our society.
Blanche Lincoln
Your kids are going to do well in the workplace of the future if they can bring creativity, if they can bring some innovation, if they can bring some entrepreneurialism.
Dalton McGuinty
I'm a big proponent of young women dressing appropriately in the workplace to get ahead. We need to demand respect as women, and part of that involves how we present ourselves.
Rachel Roy
I think any time you have a workplace that's heavily weighted to men just by the nature of what it is, the same way you can say PR or fashion is heavily occupied by women, there's always going to be a little bit of that sexism.
Erin Duffy
Our technological infrastructure alienates us from each other. No need to form a workplace community, everybody there will be out in a year or two, and so will you, looking for a better place.
Mary Douglas
I think I have made an impact in the workplace and I do believe that will prevail over any of the other things in the end.
Paula Jones
These children should be enrolled in Independent Living programs designed by state and local governments to prepare them to enter the workplace, or attend college, and successfully manage their lives.
Charles Foster Bass
We have held forums here at the White House on workplace flexibility, and the first major bill signed into law by President Obama was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Lilly was here a few weeks ago because we were trying very hard to push paycheck fairness through the Congress. Unfortunately, we fell two votes short.
Valerie Jarrett
There's nothing wrong with looking like a woman and going in the workplace and doing everything a man can do but looking 1,000 percent like a lady.
Rachel Roy
Joan's a dream to play - she's not always prancing around the office. There's that side to it, which is really fun, but there's nitty-gritty. She's what makes the workplace so fun - in a workplace that can be so dark and so much tension, Joan gives some levity. And the wonderful thing is she still has these darker moments among the fabulous highs.
Christina Hendricks
And that's actually the brunt of what we do is, people going straight from their workplace, straight from home, straight into the classroom and working directly with the students. So then we're able to work with thousands and thousands more students.
Dave Eggers
I support workplace clean air. But a federal ban on smoking would mean that you couldn't smoke in your own home. I don't care what people do in their home.
Mike Huckabee
On an average day, we allow ourselves the fiction that we own a piece of our workplace. That's part of what it takes to get the job done. Deeper down, we know it's all on loan.
Mary Schmich
We can no longer allow multinationals to parade as agents of progress and democracy in the newspapers, even as they subvert it at the workplace.
John J. Sweeney
Meanwhile, hard-working Americans are increasingly faced with workplace conditions in which critically important safeguards are watered down, emerging problems are ignored, and enforcement is scaled back.
Tim Bishop
Education is important because, first of all, people need to know that discrimination still exists. It is still real in the workplace, and we should not take that for granted.
Alexis Herman
If I make your workplace conducive to walking at lunch, or working out at some time during the day, or I get people to use the stairs more by creating incentives to do such, then people will start doing it naturally.
Mehmet Oz
I'm friends with a lot of actresses, but my 'SNL' friends are my closest. The experience of working there is something of a battleground, a great one, but complicated. I think there's a deep connection for having survived that workplace.
Ana Gasteyer
We must seek to persuade member states and institutions that better regulation in Europe does not mean cutting health and safety in the workplace, nor does it mean dismantling social standards.
John Hutton
We have an epidemic of sexual predators following our children, whether it be on the computers, whether it be in our public parks, whether it be in the workplace, or even our schools.
Jon Porter
Sex appeal is in the workplace every day of the week. I'm not saying that's the only calling card, but it's a whole crayon box.
Barbara Corcoran
The workplace should have a place where the kids can visit. They should have places at the mother's or the father's work where professionals can have their kids visit them whenever they feel like it.
Eric Braeden