The lowest and vilest alleys of London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside. Arthur Conan Doyle
The lowest and vilest alleys of London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside.
Piety is the most solid goodness, and the vilest of what is evil is vice. Abu Bakr
Piety is the most solid goodness, and the vilest of what is evil is vice.
Just as the performance of the vilest and most wicked deeds requires spirit and talent, so even the greatest demand a certain insensitivity which under other circumstances we would call stupidity. Georg C. Lichtenberg
Just as the performance of the vilest and most wicked deeds requires spirit and talent, so even the greatest demand a certain insensitivity which under other circumstances we would call stupidity.