Unquestioned Quotes
The first and most important reason for its elimination is the unquestioned fact that evolution is not a science; it is a hypothesis only, a speculation.
William Bell Riley
With the opening of the second decade of the twentieth century it seemed that the stage was set for the last act in an unquestioned evolutionary drama.
Ralph A. Cram
The statements of four witnesses of unquestioned integrity, traveling with me that day, attest that such comments were never made and confirm that it simply did not happen.
Paul Crouch
If an honest man is the noblest work of God, then Mr. Lincoln's title to high nobility is clear and unquestioned.
Matthew Simpson
In the past, those who had ideas they wished to communicate to the public had the unquestioned right to disseminate those ideas in an open marketplace. called a mall, we should not abridge that right.
Sol Wachtler