Baseball presents a living heritage, a game poised between the powerful undertow of seasons past and the hope of next day, next week, next year. John Thorn
Baseball presents a living heritage, a game poised between the powerful undertow of seasons past and the hope of next day, next week, next year.
Many of the songs on Undertow were written at the time Opiate came out. Adam Jones
Many of the songs on Undertow were written at the time Opiate came out.
A good writer cannot avoid having social consciousness. I don't mean this about small pieces of writing, but about a big book. If it's a big book, there has to be more than one undertow. Marguerite Young
A good writer cannot avoid having social consciousness. I don't mean this about small pieces of writing, but about a big book. If it's a big book, there has to be more than one undertow.