Tweeting Quotes
People who supported Obama felt like they formed a relationship, that they were being spoken to. The way that campaign worked and the way he's worked during his first term is to make people feel like he's grasping their hand, whether it's by tweeting or email, moments after an event, sometimes during an event. It makes people relate to him.
James Spader
Tweeting is really only good for one thing - it's just good for tweeting... It is rewarding, because it's just its own reward. It's sort of like heaven.
Steve Martin
Isn't there a danger with Tweeting, like drunk dialing? Isn't there a drunk Tweeting danger?
Julianna Margulies
A couple days ago, I saw a lot of people tweeting, "Oh, it's so cool 'Home' is being used in the Olympics!" We don't really get to watch much TV, man, with the concerts every night, but I wish I could have seen it. I really just found out through Twitter and my management texting me. I thought it was really awesome.
Phillip Phillips