Track Quotes
- Page 7If you know you are on the right track, if you have this inner knowledge, then nobody can turn you off... no matter what they say.
Barbara McClintock
Romance, like the rabbit at the dog track, is the elusive, fake, and never attained reward which, for the benefit and amusement of our masters, keeps us running and thinking in safe circles.
Beverly Jones
No man can be ideally successful until he has found his place. Like a locomotive he is strong on the track, but weak anywhere else.
Orison Swett Marden
Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch.
Tim Berners Lee
Snake has been everything to me. Look at where I was when I started with the company in 1988 and where I'm at now. I mean, he's shown me just about everything on and off the race track.
Larry Dixon
I think it's because it's so different and it takes risks. Plus, it's really smart humor. It gives the audience credit in terms of not needing to tell them when to laugh. I love that about the show. There's no laugh track.
Sarah Chalke
Dave Sim said in his latest thing of his, 'when you're on the right track, you'll know it, but until you get there, you have to believe you're on the right track'. Interesting little conundrum. It's not easy.
Eddie Campbell
And my only rule being if when I wake in the morning I'm looking forward to the things that I have to do that day, then I'm on the right track.
Demetri Martin
I count myself fortunate to be able to contribute to this work; and the great interest which the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has shown in my work and the recognition that it has paid to my past successes, convince me that I am not on the wrong track.
Pieter Zeeman
I had no inducement to proceed further into the interior. I had been sufficiently disappointed in the termination of this excursion, and the track before me was still less inviting.
Charles Sturt
I have a hotline to the tabloids. When I get up in the morning, I call the Star, and the last thing at night, I call them. I want them to have the inside track.
Kirstie Alley
I was amazed at the support that I got when I was in there. And when I came out people knew that I was back on track. I was interested in working again.
Kate Moss
My first big break came with Lauryn Hill on a track called Everything is Everything, I played piano on that track way back in 1998.
John Legend
I spend around two and half hours on the track every day running and another 2 hours in the weight room lifting weights with my strength coach.
Allyson Felix
And friends of mine that had photography class in high school would develop the film and make prints and I'd take them back to the track and give 'em away or try and sell them. Much to my parents' dismay, I majored in photography in college.
John Sexton
And there is the headlight, shining far down the track, glinting off the steel rails that, like all parallel lines, will meet in infinity, which is after all where this train is going.
Bruce Catton
I have a long track record of really horrible relationships and a divorce behind me; so I'm not the guy to ask. I just got really fortunate with this one.
James Denton
I've learned in my years as a journalist that when a politician says 'That's ridiculous' you're probably on the right track.
Amy Goodman
As far as arrangements after the basic track is cut, if I'm writing a horn arrangement or playing strings, I might arrange that, plan that out. Other times, I'll just sit and roll tape.
Bernie Worrell
I like a good mono track, it's right up front. I don't need all the surrounds telling me there are birds in the neighbourhood.
Sam Raimi
Our achievements speak for themselves. What we have to keep track of are our failures, discouragements and doubts. We tend to forget the past difficulties, the many false starts, and the painful groping.
Ethel Barrymore
We all know that China is industrializing at a growth rate of 8 to 10 percent per year. China is on track to pass the U.S. as the largest economy in the world in 20 to 25 years, and China is determined to give its people a chance at this high standard of living that we enjoy.
John Olver
I dislike the word 'victim.' I dislike being told that I 'lost' my husband - as if I had idly abandoned you by the side of the railway track like an unwanted pair of old shoes.
Nina Bawden
At this point I've got a bit of a track record. So people realize that when 'Weird Al' wants to go parody, it's not meant to make them look bad... it's meant to be a tribute.
Al Yankovic