Toward Quotes
- Page 7Toward the end of my pregnancy, I felt really big - I gained about 40 pounds, which is a lot for my size.
Christina Aguilera
I think one of the things that language poets are very involved with is getting away from conventional ideas of beauty, because those ideas contain a certain attitude toward women, certain attitudes toward sex, certain attitudes toward race, etc.
Diane Wakoski
Religion is the solid basis of good morals; therefore education should teach the precepts of religion, and the duties of man toward God.
Gouverneur Morris
What is this world that is hastening me toward I know not what, viewing me with contempt?
Khalil Gibran
As soon as we find a cure, we will utilize any of the donations to go toward providing medication to those who can't afford it. That is my goal.
Montel Williams
I wear my shadows where they're harder to see, but they follow me everywhere. I guess that should tell me I'm travelling toward light.
Bruce Cockburn
A liberal knows that the only certainty in this life is change but believes that the change can be directed toward a constructive end.
Henry A. Wallace
The often cruel behavior of Christians toward unbelievers and even toward dissenters among themselves is shocking evidence of the function of that image in relation to values and behavior.
Carol P. Christ
I am concerned about the whole man. I am concerned about what the people, using their government as an instrument and a tool, can do toward building the whole man, which will mean a better society and a better world.
Lyndon B. Johnson
It would have been nice for Greg to eventually grow into a mature relationship with Laura. He was moving toward that already but then took a turn into the juvenile with Paige.
William Devane
And no again: My studio is not a first or any step toward becoming any type of businessman on my part.
Billy Sheehan
I think it's very clear that the American people are frustrated with this move toward socialism. And so whether you're back or white, if you believe that the conservative construct is in the best interest of our future, than you too would be voting with Republicans, and if you had the opportunity to run you'd join us as well.
Tim Scott
The Medicaid system currently steers people toward nursing home care. Far more people can be covered in community-based care programs for significantly less.
Edward G. Rendell
Mounting a large rock, I was able to see a considerable body of the enemy moving by the flank in rear of their line engaged, and passing from the direction of the foot of Great Round Top through the valley toward the front of my left.
Joshua Chamberlain
And in this community, as in all others, the Golden Rule still applies - we must be act toward other nations as we would have them act towards America.
Adam Schiff
A man who as a physical being is always turned toward the outside, thinking that his happiness lies outside him, finally turns inward and discovers that the source is within him.
Soren Kierkegaard
Usually, there's nothing being thrown toward the stage or at me. Then I feel pretty good about it.
Wanda Sykes
The first step toward liberty is to miss liberty; the second, to seek it; the third, to find it.
Leopold Zunz
I have always looked on disobedience toward the oppressive as the only way to use the miracle of having been born.
Oriana Fallaci
If we put our trust in the common sense of common men and 'with malice toward none and charity for all' go forward on the great adventure of making political, economic and social democracy a practical reality, we shall not fail.
Henry A. Wallace
Many Europeans are concerned that stronger sanctions are a slippery slope toward war unless the U.S. is at the table.
Dennis Ross
If anybody ran a business like that they would be out of business quickly, and Barack Obama's leadership is driving this business, the United States of America, toward a fiscal cliff.
Chris Christie
Let's use the energy of this historic year to propel us toward our shared vision of a greater Boston.
Thomas Menino