Taxpayers Quotes
More than 1.1 million taxpayers in Pennsylvania will enjoy a lower tax rate, more than 1.4 million married couples will benefit from the reduction in the marriage penalty, and more than 1.1 million parents will have the advantage of an increased child tax credit.
Tim Murphy
So if we are really concerned about generating more taxes, we ought to be investing in our people, not taking away the kinds of resources that contribute to their ability to become greater taxpayers in this country.
Patrick J. Kennedy
But what shouldn't happen is, you shouldn't have the taxpayers from states that are managing their situations well paying for those states that are not.
John Thune
We're going to have to find a way to serve our constituents and our taxpayers better and quicker and more accurately with fewer workers. I'm convinced we can do it and we don't have a choice.
Kevin Brady
Illegal immigration costs taxpayers $45 billion a year in health care, education, and incarceration expenses.
Ric Keller
Taxpayers should not be coerced into giving up their privacy rights just to file their taxes.
Melissa Bean
From my very first day in the Mayor's office, I have worked closely with the Council members who share our vision of a city hall that really protects taxpayers and cares... yes... about the little things that make a big difference in people's lives.
Laura Miller
What did the taxpayers get out of the Obama stimulus? More debt. That money wasn't just spent and wasted - it was borrowed, spent, and wasted.
Paul Ryan
I've said we need to look at things from the perspective of working people and taxpayers, not from the perspective of government and government officials.
Scott McCallum
Low-income taxpayers deserve the same rights as everyone else. It was wrong of the IRS to target low-income taxpayers, and I am please by the decision to correct this unfair practice.
Christopher Dodd
He has a very extensive public relations apparatus that is paid for by the taxpayers of this state. They are some of the best in the business. and he is a master at getting not only television but other media exposure on the basis of confrontation and chaos.
Bill Scott
The way to connect with voters on the plan is to simply give the facts. Fifty per cent of taxpayers pay 97 per cent of the taxes. By most people's standards, that's already fair. The President is playing the class warfare card because he knows that a lot of people may never hear that particular fact. But it's a fact.
Herman Cain
Every day President Bush and Congress refuse to fulfill their obligation to special ed is another day Wisconsin property taxpayers are stuck with the bill. It's unfair, irresponsible and must stop.
Jim Doyle
The American taxpayers should not have to send one more penny on the Administration's Iraq misadventure. Let's give our troops the supplies they need to get out of Iraq safely. Let's bring our troops home.
John Conyers
When we leave money in the hands of taxpayers, they buy things, they pay taxes, they grow government.
Ken Buck
Aquatic invasive species are destroying the environment, damaging fisheries, and costing American taxpayers billions of dollars annually.
John M. McHugh
But the fact is, it's illegal for the Administration to spend North west taxpayers' money to develop this rate hike proposal, just so it can turn around and raise their energy rates.
Maria Cantwell
If Americans want to see results instead of rhetoric, if taxpayers would like solutions instead of sound bites, and hard work instead of horse trading, I suggest you take a short look, and it won't take much longer, at the accomplishments of this Congress.
Alcee Hastings
In order to fix Social Security, we must restructure it so that we continue to provide for our Nation's seniors that are approaching retirement age, but allow for younger taxpayers to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in private accounts.
Herman Cain
Tax breaks can serve a vital role in keeping and bringing jobs to our state; however, without accountability, they are little more than loopholes at taxpayers' expense.
Jeanne Kohl-Welles
Common sense tells us that we should focus our resources to benefit children, teachers and taxpayers by keeping dollars in the classroom.
Bob Beauprez
Taxpayers need a businessman who knows how to create jobs, cut costs and balance budgets.
Rick Scott
Banks are slowly but surely lending again, and never again will taxpayers foot the bill for Wall Street's excesses. In case we forgot, that was the change we believed in. That was the change we fought for. That was the change President Obama delivered.
Rahm Emanuel
Taxpayers will not stand for - nor should they - the funding of poster sites, leaflets or advertising. What people will support is funding for political education, for training, for party organization.
Peter Hain