Scandals Quotes
Big business, for all its lobbying, is often put in line by investigative reporting, public scandals and multi-million-dollar judgments in court against those who put products on the market that are dangerous to their buyers.
Stanley Crouch
Freedom of the press is not questioned when investigative journalism unearths scandals, But that does not mean that every classified state document should be made available to journalists.
Otto Schily
This anniversary serves to help remind the American people that, in the wake of one of the greatest political scandals and misuse of power in our history as a nation, scandal produced important reforms that served this nation well for two decades.
Elliot Richardson
It's time to save the U.N. from its own scandals and mismanagement. It's time for U.N. Reform with teeth.
Mike Pence
If you look at the British royal family and take away the scandals and the goofy stuff that's going on, people love to have this king to look up to - the royals are like celebrities.
Kevin J. Anderson
The United Nations' greatest fear is that average Americans will no longer tolerate these international scandals and demand that America withdraw from the international organization.
Ginny B. Waite
But even at the height of these scandals, even at the time when our finances were at their worst, the NAACP branches - the grassroots - kept plugging away. They kept doing what they do, and they do it well.
Julian Bond
You talk about scandals and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everyone to look at.
Gordon Sinclair
If you say that the history of the Church is a long succession of scandals, you are telling the truth, though if that is all you say, you are distorting the truth.
Gerald Vann
There is a lust in man no charm can tame: Of loudly publishing his neighbor's shame: On eagles wings immortal scandals fly, while virtuous actions are born and die.
William Harvey
The United Nations is a mess, riddled with scandals. In fact, the U.N. itself is a scandal.
Ginny B. Waite
As so often happens with Washington scandals, it isn't the original scandal that gets people in the most trouble - it's the attempted cover-up.
Tom Petri
First, his job approval ratings have been trending down for many months, a trend that has accelerated in recent weeks as the war on terrorism has been supplanted in the public's mind by corporate scandals, stock market declines, and a growing sense of economic insecurity.
Thomas E. Mann