A propensity to hope and joy is real riches; one to fear and sorrow real poverty. David Hume
A propensity to hope and joy is real riches; one to fear and sorrow real poverty.
America does not fight for land, glory or riches. Virginia Foxx
America does not fight for land, glory or riches.
Riches do not exhilarate us so much with their possession as they torment us with their loss. Epicurus
Riches do not exhilarate us so much with their possession as they torment us with their loss.
If our soldiers are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity. Sun Tzu
If our soldiers are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity.