Raid Quotes
I avoid clients for whom advertising is only a marginal factor in their marketing mix. They have an awkward tendency to raid their advertising appropriations whenever they need cash for other purposes.
David Ogilvy
It's time to stop the raid on the Social Security trust fund and start allowing Americans to invest their Social Security taxes in personal savings accounts.
Mike Pence
If they conducted a raid in this room, you'd all be policed up. They'd take all of you to Abu Ghraib and turn you over to the soldiers. Maybe there's only one or two of you in this group who was a known associate or had any piece of information that they are trying to exploit.
Janis Karpinski
What I had later learned was that the FBI knew I was going to New York a couple days after the raid.
Sherman Austin
Will some reporter, or some Republican on the Sunday shows, please ask why tax cuts raid the non-existent Social Security Trust Fund but all the Democrats' new spending doesn't? Will someone please ask that?
Rush Limbaugh
I found myself serving a sentence of public denial from the very second the raid on my apartment happened.
Jock Sturges
The next few years are going to be horrendous in the UK. The last thing we need is a Somali pirate-style raid on the few wealth creators who still dare to navigate Britain's gale-force waters.
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Being elected to Congress is regarded as being sent on a looting raid for one's friends.
George Will
Since I travel so much, it's always great to be home. There's nothing like getting to raid my own refrigerator at two in the morning.
Amy Grant