This beast went to the well and drank, and the noise was in the beast's belly like unto the questing of thirty couple hounds, but all the while the beast drank there was no noise in the beast's belly. Thomas Malory
This beast went to the well and drank, and the noise was in the beast's belly like unto the questing of thirty couple hounds, but all the while the beast drank there was no noise in the beast's belly.
King Pellinore that time followed the questing beast. Thomas Malory
King Pellinore that time followed the questing beast.
The demands are related to their questing of the best possible out of the people concerned. It's this going for the highest possible factor that I'm very concerned about. Peter Maxwell Davies
The demands are related to their questing of the best possible out of the people concerned. It's this going for the highest possible factor that I'm very concerned about.