Preservation Quotes
Individually, museums are fine institutions, dedicated to the high values of preservation, education and truth; collectively, their growth in numbers points to the imaginative death of this country.
Robert Hewison
With European powers no new subjects of difficulty have arisen, and those which were under discussion, although not terminated, do not present a more unfavorable aspect for the future preservation of that good understanding which it has ever been our desire to cultivate.
Martin Van Buren
Some of them, in accepting the proposed plan of government, coupled their acceptance with a recommendation of various additions to the Constitution, which they deemed essential to the preservation of the rights of the States, or of the People.
Caleb Cushing
A small house must depend on its grouping with other houses for its beauty, and for the preservation of light air and the maximum of surrounding open space.
Clarence Stein
We habitually engage in meddling with nature. Until this century most of this meddling was good. Witness the preservation of the European countryside. But since then we've smoked it up and littered it and dumped too much in too many waters. I don't think it's our privilege to behave this way.
Lewis Thomas
We are the only ones who really can care about the preservation Foreigners who come to excavate, maybe some of them care about preservation, but the majority care about discoveries.
Zahi Hawass
Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
What I did was sit down with the Washington State officials, with the historic preservation people, with the tribe, the local community, the port of Port Angeles, and we worked this thing out, and we protected the tribe's interest.
Norm Dicks
The preservation of health is a duty. Few seem conscious that there is such a thing as physical morality.
Herbert Spencer
With the dreary season in which we travelled part of the route; with our minds much more actively employed in forming resources for our preservation from famine.
Zebulon Pike
I believe the preservation of the home in the future lies almost entirely in the hands of men.
Agnes Macphail
Jealous, adj. Unduly concerned about the preservation of that which can be lost only if not worth keeping.
Ambrose Bierce
By the immediate preservation of eggs for home consumption through the use of water glass or lime water, larger supplies of fresh eggs may be made available for marketing later in the season, when production is less and prices higher.
David F. Houston
It seems we will continue to have problems with this classification and it may be because it comes under the heading of creation rather than preservation.
Walter Lang
From the long range point of view, I do not know of anything we can do more important than to make some contribution to the preservation of religion as a vital force in America.
Louis Finkelstein
This self-love is the instrument of our preservation; it resembles the provision for the perpetuity of mankind: it is necessary, it is dear to us, it gives us pleasure, and we must conceal it.
We were totally unprepared for such a large quantity of visitors, and in view of the preservation of the antiquities they being very crowded and in poor preservation, we were obliged to refuse admission until some preparation was made to safeguard the objects.
Howard Carter
The right of nature... is the liberty each man hath to use his own power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own nature; that is to say, of his own life.
Thomas Hobbes
For the victor peace means the preservation of the position of power which he has secured. For the vanquished it means resigning himself to the position left to him.
Gustav Stresemann
I have entered the field to die, if need be, for this government, and never expect to return to peaceful pursuits until the object of this war of preservation has become a fact established.
John A. Logan
At the bottom, the elimination of spyware and the preservation of privacy for the consumer are critical goals if the Internet is to remain safe and reliable and credible.
Cliff Stearns
Growing Greener doesn't produce money for farmland preservation or open space preservation.
Ed Rendell
On the diffusion of education among the people rest the preservation and perpetuation of our free institutions.
Daniel Webster
Obama's personality traits, coupled with his extreme-leftist agenda, make him particularly dangerous to the American ideal and to the preservation of our founding principles, as well as to the liberty and prosperity they guarantee.
David Limbaugh