Phoenix Quotes
I have observed private and proprietary colleges, like the University of Phoenix, and the market they serve. And I found it intriguing the way in which they are trying to deliver the product, with more accountability, for a price.
Roy Romer
When a role for a young guy is being offered to me, I think of River Phoenix. It feels like a loss.
Leonardo DiCaprio
I am just another fireman because the story focuses on Joaquin Phoenix's character, but I play Joaquin's close friend and I get burned up a little bit, but I don't die.
Morris Chestnut
People wonder if I'll always be a part of this family and the answer is yes. My family has a lot of good energy going in one direction and because of it, we get a lot of things done. That's why I'll always spend a lot of time at Camp Phoenix.
River Phoenix
You see I have to be in the clinic every Thursday and it's in Phoenix so I have to fly down or drive down. It has to be every Thursday for this damn stuff they're giving me.
Lee Hazlewood
You know Americans are obsessed with life and death and rebirth, that's the American Cycle. You know, awakening, tragic, horrible death and then Phoenix rising from the ashes. That's the American story, again and again.
Billy Corgan
I know Dark Phoenix is a huge part of the X-Men saga, so I'm assuming they're at least going to want to touch on it, but I don't know and I don't know whether I would want to be involved. That depends on many different things.
Famke Janssen
Why can I write 'South' with some assurance that you'll know I mean Richmond and don't mean Phoenix? What is it that the South's boundaries enclose?
John Shelton Reed
It's best to have failure happen early in life. It wakes up the Phoenix bird in you so you rise from the ashes.
Anne Baxter
My mother was a phoenix who always expected to rise from the ashes of her latest disaster. She loved being Judy Garland.
Lorna Luft