Party Quotes
- Page 2President Clinton is going to embrace President Obama, as he should. They are working together. They're different kinds of people. Obama is cool, Clinton is a schmoozer. Both are great speakers. It's a great merging of the party.
Bill Richardson
A blue dog, you know, is the opposite of a yellow dog. And a yellow dog was somebody who was willing to follow his party even when he knew it was wrong.
Mike Thompson
When the movie comes out, what anybody thinks of it doesn't really matter to me. I don't go to the wrap party. I don't go to the premiere.
Henry Rollins
The labour Party has lost the last four elections. If they lose another, they get to keep the liberal party.
Clive Anderson
I couldn't join a party that, frankly, tolerates members who are bigots for one thing, homophobes, racists.
Ron Reagan
Venezuelans have a deep democratic conviction. If the government hotheads ventured out to stir violence they would encounter the armed forces. I don't believe the armed forces respond to a political party.
Henrique Capriles Radonski
I hate all politics. I don't like either political party. One should not belong to them - one should be an individual, standing in the middle. Anyone that belongs to a party stops thinking.
Ray Bradbury
We are a party of innovation. We do not reject our traditions, but we are willing to adapt to changing circumstances, when change we must. We are willing to suffer the discomfort of change in order to achieve a better future.
Barbara Jordan
Whether it's their Sharia law and birther conspiracies or their unwillingness to buck Grover Norquist's no-tax pledge, the Tea Partiers have hijacked their party and carried it all the way to the right.
Jennifer M. Granholm
It is simply the view, and a view I think shared by most members of the party, that it is very difficult to have a leader that does not command the support of the parliamentary party.
Francis Maude
She kindly laments that I am not of the party, and to be sure I honour great ladies, and I admire great wits, but I am of the same opinion in regard to assemblies that is held concerning oysters, that they are never good in a month that has not the letter R in it.
Elizabeth Montagu
People didn't wasn't the People's party to come in to power again, so they saw NS a viable alternative not us, because everyone knew we were not ready.
Imran Khan
The national Democratic Party has embraced abortion on demand. I believe this position is wrong in principle and out of the mainstream of our party's historic commitment to protecting the powerless.
Robert Casey
The Democratic Party has gotten narrower and it's gotten smaller and it's fundamentally wrong on all the key questions involving the economic future of this country and our hopes of prosperity. And many Americans are beginning to realize that.
Artur Davis
I'm not a party animal; I took my job as Miss USA very seriously... Sometimes, of course, I want to let it all go. Even though I'm a beauty queen, you're also an unofficial ambassador, and there's a lot of pressure.
Rima Fakih
I think the Democratic Party has picked a lot of the wrong candidates, the kind that Middle America, or people who are more down the middle and more rational, can't side with. I think that's been the problem.
Glenn Danzig
And, I hope now that everybody understands that the Labour Party - as it always has done - stands for free speech and individual Members of the Labour Party are entitled to exercise that free speech.
Ron Davies
When you campaign and have to participate in so many debates just to the win the nomination of your party, you've had a lot of practice. You get to figure out as you go from one debate to another where you made your mistakes. By the time you get to the big debate you're pretty polished.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
The liberal intelligentsia has allowed its party to become a captive of corporate interests.
Ralph Nader
The formal Washington dinner party has all the spontaneity of a Japanese imperial funeral.
Simon Hoggart
You've got to respond to that and of course thinking through the role of a left party in the modern world, in the modern economy and society and having a policy response to that.
Patricia Hewitt
My real adversary has no name, no face, no party. It will never be elected, yet it governs - the adversary is the world of finance.
Francois Hollande
Singling out political opponents for working against the ruling party is precisely the tactic of every tyrannical government from Red China to Venezuela. The first step in the process is creating unfounded public suspicion of political opponents, followed by arresting and jailing any who continue speaking against the regime.
John Carter