Melodies Quotes
- Page 2When you are accompanying someone, you are listening to them the way you listen to a Bach Chorale, where four parts are going on at the same time, all of which are gorgeous melodies, all being played simultaneously.
David Amram
A song that sounds simple is just not that easy to write. One of the objectives of this record was to try and write melodies that continue to resonate.
Sheryl Crow
By the end of it, you never know how it's going to turn out. Hopefully if I pick the right songs and put the right melodies on it and all the collaboration works out. it's a win-win situation.
Paul Taylor
Depth on different levels is so important to me. You look at a band like The Beatles, all their material has so much depth to it. And I want people to be able to run away with my melodies and get lost in them and take the lyrics and be able to relate to them.
Haley Reinhart
I was growing up listening to Queen. Freddie Mercury threw those incredible melodies into his songs.
Gary Cherone
I wasn't writing the music. Ed would write a piece of music. I'd listen to it and come up with a melody and then we would arrange it. We'd put it together and I would write lyrics to my melodies.
Sammy Hagar
The world is full of poetry. The air is living with its spirit; and the waves dance to the music of its melodies, and sparkle in its brightness.
James Gates Percival
When rock came along the lyrics and melodies became less important and it bothered me to think that perhaps they might not regain the value they have to music - they are music.
Dinah Shore
Being a purely instrumental album, it makes a musical statement, not a religious one, and I hope that people can feel the emotion of the great melodies, even without the words.
Kenny G
In English, the sounds and melodies I created were an inspiration to me, and words came to me as I explored the sounds, and from there I was able expand on the meaning.
Utada Hikaru
I like to hear melodies that go from one extreme to the next- saxophone to a bell to a whistle, for instance.
Roscoe Mitchell