Mass Quotes
- Page 4Mass transportation is doomed to failure in North America because a person's car is the only place where he can be alone and think.
Marshall McLuhan
If terrorists succeeded in using a weapon of mass destruction against the U.S. or one of our allies, it would likely have catastrophic consequences for our cherished republican form of government.
Tommy Franks
Perhaps the most versatile and useful plug-in in the collection is Mass Copy. It is certainly the one I use the most. Due to limitations in how plugins can interact with Finale, Mass Copy has a somewhat unusual user interface.
Robert Patterson
If you ask an economist what's driven economic growth, it's been major advances in things that mattered - the mechanization of farming, mass manufacturing, things like that. The problem is, our society is not organized around doing that.
Larry Page
Some people act as though art that is for a mass audience is not good art, and I think this has been a very negative thing. I know that I have wanted very much to write books that are accessible to the widest audience possible.
Bell Hooks
The best reason why Monarchy is a strong government is, that it is an intelligible government. The mass of mankind understand it, and they hardly anywhere in the world understand any other.
Walter Bagehot
It is advertising and the logic of consumerism that governs the depiction of reality in the mass media.
Christopher Lasch
Often, these downplay the power of cultural imperialism - in that sense, playing the game of US interests - by reassuring us that the global success of American mass culture is not as bad as all that.
Fredric Jameson
If the individual is a unit in a corporate mass, his life is not merely brutish and short, but dull and mechanical.
Herbert Read
John Paul II, above all, managed to contain the huge mass of frustration, of hate that had accumulated in that region, in favour of a peaceful transition. This was, without doubt, something that changed European history.
Rocco Buttiglione
Weapons of mass destruction aren't pulled out of a black hat like a white rabbit at a magic show. They're produced in factories. There's science and technology involved. They're not produced in a hole in the ground or in a basement.
Scott Ritter
The bosses of our mass media, press, radio, film and television, succeed in their aim of taking our minds off disaster. Thus, the distraction they offer demands the antidote of maximum concentration on disaster.
Ernst Fischer
The chief qualification of a mass leader has become unending infallibility; he can never admit an error.
Hannah Arendt
There is no ethnic cleansing in Bahrain, no mass genocide, no policy of killing innocent people.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
In light of the attacks on mass transit systems in other countries, shouldn't we be beefing up?... Clearly more could be done.
Susan Collins
On the justification for the war, it wasn't related to finding any particular weapon of mass destruction.
Stephen Harper
Within minutes of the attack, your Department of Public Safety mobilized its Operations Center, headed by a national expert on weapons of mass destruction.
Jane D. Hull
Saddam's goal is to achieve the lifting of U.N. sanctions while retaining and enhancing Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. We cannot, we must not and we will not let him succeed.
Madeleine Albright
What I want is to respond to the challenge posed by the mass media - to permit the novel to say what can only be said by narrative - to allow it to be itself.
Carlos Fuentes
We are also working on the restoration of salmon runs, and we are doing a new process of mass marking with these fish so we can tell the wild fish from the hatchery fish.
Norm Dicks
And, not only in Budapest. I worked very closely with a very powerful government organization, which shall remain unidentified, to develop the mass marketed version of the Cube.
Erno Rubik
Hearing Mass is the ceremony I most favor during my travels. Church is the only place where someone speaks to me and I do not have to answer back.
Charles de Gaulle
The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization.
Robert Anton Wilson
I was disappointed, not because we had lost the war but because our people had allowed it to go on for so many years, instead of heeding the few voices of protest against all that mass insanity and slaughter.
George Grosz
I will continue to push for doubling the strength of the U.S. Border Patrol, and to make sure that every cargo container that enters this nation is screened for radiation and potential weapons of mass destruction.
Nick Lampson
The majority of Americans, the ones who never elected George W. Bush, are not fooled by his weapons of mass distraction.
Michael Moore
I don't go to Mass every day. But I go to church every day. Just sitting there, thinking - it's a great way to start the morning, you know? You feel so good coming out, and your approach to everything is suddenly really clear.
Mark Wahlberg