Market Quotes
Clearly, the Chinese need the resources, but I don't think they want to clash with the industrial world which happens to be the market for their goods.
Daniel Yergin
The free market economy is supposed to be the only path leading to the happiness of humanity by promoting wealth and prosperity, power and influence of nations.
Omar Bongo
The wireless segment is approximately 50 percent of our business... we believe this is an industry-wide phenomenon and that we are, in fact, maintaining if not gaining market share.
Antonio Perez
In the domain of cops and robbers, an interdiction serves to structure a black market and a shadow economy.
William Irwin Thompson
I was very much fascinated with the technology we had that we could edit in the computer our compositions, but all the sounds that were available on the market were crap.
Miroslav Vitous
Now, the impact on export markets - we export about 10 percent of what we produce, so obviously that will probably have some impact on the market. At this point it's too early to determine how much.
Ann Veneman
What I've learned in 40 years of consumer reporting is that the market is imperfect, and some people get ripped off.
John Stossel
Bring market forces to bear on health care insurers. Creating a health care 'exchange,' one of the better ideas included in House Bill 3200, creates affordable, accessible and portable insurance for millions of Americans.
Andrew P. Harris
Once the housing market begins to recover, I would phase out the mortgage tax deduction.
Joshua A. Tucker
First off, the crude oil market, unlike every other commodity in America, is virtually unregulated.
Peter DeFazio
We must have the time to create strict rules so that property is not sold by Communist managers for a low price. They often get payments under the table to sell to the first bidder. This does not build public support for a market economy.
Vaclav Klaus
I've decided something: Commercial things really do stink. As soon as it becomes commercial for a mass market it really stinks.
Andy Warhol
In every aspect of life, including the economic dimension, we are always challenged to do the right thing. In many cases in the market system, which allows a great deal of latitude for human choice, people can get carried away to excess.
Lee R. Raymond
It is my contention that Aesop was writing for the tortoise market. hares have no time to read.
Anita Brookner
Our seniors' retirement should never rely on the bull of political promises or the bear of the market.
Barbara Mikulski
I will never be in the stock market. It's just gambling. I'm a gambler, but I'll gamble on the practicality of things.
Jeremy Renner