Man Quotes
- Page 18Man cannot live without joy; therefore when he is deprived of true spiritual joys it is necessary that he become addicted to carnal pleasures.
Thomas Aquinas
Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
John Kenneth Galbraith
A man must be willing to die for justice. Death is an inescapable reality and men die daily, but good deeds live forever.
Jesse Jackson
For Africa to me... is more than a glamorous fact. It is a historical truth. No man can know where he is going unless he knows exactly where he has been and exactly how he arrived at his present place.
Maya Angelou
If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it.
It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.
H. L. Mencken
The law will never make a man free; it is men who have got to make the law free.
Henry David Thoreau
A man would prefer to come home to an unmade bed and a happy woman than to a neatly made bed and an angry woman.
Marlene Dietrich
The man of sensibility is too busy talking about his feelings to have time for good deeds.
Mason Cooley
When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.
Louis Nizer
I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.
Denis Waitley
A wise man is cured of ambition by ambition itself; his aim is so exalted that riches, office, fortune and favour cannot satisfy him.
Samuel Johnson
It is in the admission of ignorance and the admission of uncertainty that there is a hope for the continuous motion of human beings in some direction that doesn't get confined, permanently blocked, as it has so many times before in various periods in the history of man.
Richard P. Feynman
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.
William Shakespeare
Why, except as a means of livelihood, a man should desire to act on the stage when he has the whole world to act in, is not clear to me.
George Bernard Shaw
Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.
James Madison