Majority Quotes
- Page 7In the final analysis, the whole cause of world revolution hinges on the revolutionary struggles of the Asian, African and Latin American people who make up the overwhelming majority of the world's population.
Lin Biao
What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their ability to act according to their beliefs.
Henry Miller
In a high school, the norms act to hold down the achievements of those who are above average, so that the school's demands will be at a level easily maintained by the majority.
James S. Coleman
Of course, the majority of us would speak up in the face of outrageous bigotry, but do we speak up in a social situation when someone casually refers to something as 'gay'? If we don't, we are standing with the homophobes whom we are quietly fighting.
Jack Antonoff
The immense majority of human biographies are a gray transit between domestic spasm and oblivion.
George Steiner
In the Constitution of the American Republic there was a deliberate and very extensive and emphatic division of governmental power for the very purpose of preventing unbridled majority rule.
Robert Welch
Now, so, if you want to blame someone for wasteful spending, the Republicans are in the majority.
Chaka Fattah
I like to spend time with my family. The majority of my time is spent in London, but I do like to escape and spend time with them in my hometown of Brighton on the south coast.
Katie Price
What is the primary purpose of a political leader? To build a majority. If voters care about parking lots, then talk about parking lots.
Newt Gingrich
There can be no assumption that today's majority is "right" and the Amish and others like them are "wrong." A way of life that is odd or even erratic but interferes with no rights or interests of others is not to be condemned because it is different.
Warren E. Burger
I am convinced that the majority of people would be generous from selfish motives, if they had the opportunity.
Charles Dudley Warner
We can move America forward with a strong middle class. We can move America forward with a strong Democratic majority in the Senate. And together we can move America forward with Barack Obama in the White House.
Harry Reid
The two major challenges for the 21st century are to improve the economic situation of the majority and save as much of the planet as we can.
E. O. Wilson
The unphilosophical majority among men are the ones most helplessly dependent on their era's dominant ideas.
Leonard Peikoff
A majority, perhaps as many as 75 percent, of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations. Abortion apologists will say this is because they want to serve the poor. You don't serve the poor, however, by taking their money to terminate their children.
Alveda King
I don't very often think I've done a good job. I don't like the majority of what I do. I shouldn't say I don't like it, but I'm not satisfied with almost everything that I do.
Paul Simon
I find that the majority of the actors I've worked with are extremely sensitive people and very spontaneous people. That's why I always say I'll never date an actor, because they're in love with you one day and the next day they're not.
Ellen Muth
Democrats' attack on the Republican majority leader is nothing but a coordinated agenda to stop an effective leader from accomplishing the people's business.
Bill Shuster
Including myself, the majority of the Korean people believe in this staunch alliance between Korea and the United States and all of us hope that our traditional alliance will be further strengthened in the future.
Lee Myung-bak
The game of history is usually played by the best and the worst over the heads of the majority in the middle.
Eric Hoffer
In a republic this rule ought to be observed: that the majority should not have the predominant power.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
You have to give access to people with disabilities but there is no requirement to hire them. What I mean by affirmative obligation is that producers must take the necessary steps to include opportunities for people with disabilities and a vast majority of them do.
Richard Masur
When you're in the minority, it doesn't matter what you're agenda is, you're not going to have the degree of freedom that you have as a member of the majority.
Tom Daschle
I am convinced that the majority of American people do understand that we have a moral responsibility to foster the concepts of opportunity, free enterprise, the rule of law, and democracy. They understand that these values are the hope of the world.
Richard Lugar
Unlike the majority of the writers of his age, La Rochefoucauld was an aristocrat; and this fact gives a peculiar tone to his work.
Lytton Strachey
I love the ACLU and I'm concerned now, especially when it comes to our rights, with current politics and the religious community and the Conservative majority or minority - I don't know who they are.
Debbie Harry