Living Quotes
- Page 37No, actually 'The Host' was totally a palate-cleanser for me. I wanted to do something a little bit different than romantic love. Romantic love is in there, obviously, because I enjoy writing about that and living it a lot.
Stephenie Meyer
Even more important maybe, or equally more important at least, is they don't have to scrap for a living.
David Talbot
As a little girl living in the English countryside, I used to go running around in the forests, creating my own fairy tale.
Lily Collins
Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.
Anais Nin
You are in integrity when the life you are living on the outside matches who you are on the inside.
Alan Cohen
I'm blown away by the graphical detail of today's games. I can't imagine that it's going to get any better, but it's just going to continually progress and soon we'll be living in that world.
Christian Slater
I don't teach writing classes anymore, and I'm really glad I don't, because I would feel very strange about telling people, 'Go out there and be a writer, and make a living from it.'
Ursula K. Le Guin
There are still women who are not living their own lives, but living through their men or their children.
Kathleen Turner
Life itself is but the shadow of death, and souls departed but the shadows of the living.
Thomas Browne
For eons, humans have struggled to find less destructive ways of living together.
Margaret J. Wheatley
Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I'm easy driving, But I'm not a person who loves living pleasantly above all else. I'm not that way at all. I might think I'm that, but I'm not really that.
Ray Davies
How many people have a family grave in the backyard? I'm sure I'll end up there, or I'll shrink my head and put it in a glass box in the living room. I'll get more tourists to Graceland that way.
Lisa Marie Presley
I have no ambitions beyond being comfortable in what I do for a living - and earning a living.
Craig Ferguson
It was important for me to duck out of the fast and furious life I'd been living as a pop star. I was in a different mood.
Cat Stevens
If we were living in ancient Rome or Greece, I would be considered sickly and unattractive. The times dictate that thin is better for some strange reason, which I think is foolish.
Gwyneth Paltrow
It wasn't a good idea to work on 'Naked' in the first months of a marriage. I was living apart from my wife in a flat overflowing with books I was reading for the part.
David Thewlis
A child's mind is its living room; it's is going to be residing there for the rest of its earthly existence.
Tom Robbins
And indeed this theme has been at the centre of all my research since 1943, both because of its intrinsic fascination and my conviction that a knowledge of sequences could contribute much to our understanding of living matter.
Frederick Sanger
Mum loves me being famous! She is so excited and proud, as she had me so young and couldn't support me, so I am living her dream, it's sweeter for both of us. It's her 40th birthday soon and I'm going to buy her 40 presents.
I like someone who embraces life; who wants to be on a long journey but has no particular plan or destination in mind. An adventurous man, open to the concept of living life in the moment.
Jill Hennessy
Jordan is the only Arab state that has provided citizenship to Palestinian refugees and integrated them. But something has to be done about the Palestinians living in refugee camps in Syria and Lebanon.
Walter Russell Mead
If you are a gay couple living in Alabama, you know one thing: your family has no standing under the law; and it can and will be violated by strangers.
Andrew Sullivan