Liberties Quotes
- Page 4The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.
Samuel Adams
Men naturally resent it when women take greater liberties in dress than men are allowed.
Michael Korda
In the summer of 1776 our Founding Fathers sought to secure our independence and the liberties that remain the foundation of our nation today.
Doc Hastings
What rights are there for homosexuals? The only right is to be led to repentance. To live in such defilement of the body, in such dishonour, in such abomination, while all the time asking for liberties the church cannot grant, is unbelievable.
Pope Shenouda III
It is possible to read the history of this country as one long struggle to extend the liberties established in our Constitution to everyone in America.
Molly Ivins
America will be far safer if we reduce the chances of a terrorist attack in one of our cities than if we diminish the civil liberties of our own people.
Nancy Pelosi
One of the functions of government is to act as a safeguard not just of property but of our liberties.
William Weld
I do not think we should be trying to save our freedom by killing the safeguards that keep our liberties.
Eliot Engel
The dichotomy between personal liberties and property rights is a false one. Property does not have rights. People have rights.
Potter Stewart
I do not use the language of my people. I can take liberties with certain themes which the Arabic language would not allow me to take.
Tahar Ben Jelloun
For as Jews, the problem happens to be more urgent and vital than for others; because the destruction of religion on America will involve the destruction also of the religious training of freedom; and with that our civil liberties.
Louis Finkelstein
The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits.
I chose America as my home because I value freedom and democracy, civil liberties and an open society.
George Soros
I began taking liberties a long time ago; now it is standard practice for most directors to ignore the rules.
Michelangelo Antonioni
I'm so proud of my Chinese ancestry, but I was born and raised in America, and I really believe in American values, our American system, our freedom, our liberties.
Gary Locke
It was the separation of powers upon which the framers placed their hopes for the preservation of the people's liberties. Despite this heritage, the congress has been in too many cases more than willing to walk away from its constitutional powers.
Robert Byrd
So the question is, First, Whether the civil magistrate hath power to force men in things religious to do contrary to their conscience, and if they will not to punish them in their goods, liberties, or lives? this we hold in the negative.
Robert Barclay
I have very real concerns about the civil liberties implications of ultimately requiring every resident to submit themselves for compulsory fingerprinting or some other biometric test.
Patricia Hewitt
Freedom is poetry, taking liberties with words, breaking the rules of normal speech, violating common sense. Freedom is violence.
Norman O. Brown
Americans oppose Obamacare because they understand that it is inconsistent with our liberties and our idea of limited government and that it will destroy the best health care system in the world.
David Limbaugh
Whenever Hollywood gets involved with real life events, certain liberties have to be taken.
Greg Kinnear