I know Koufax' weakness. He can't hit. Whitey Ford
I know Koufax' weakness. He can't hit.
We need just two players to be a contender. Just Babe Ruth and Sandy Koufax. Whitey Herzog
We need just two players to be a contender. Just Babe Ruth and Sandy Koufax.
I faced Gibson many times and faced Sandy Koufax three times. Juan Marichal
I faced Gibson many times and faced Sandy Koufax three times.
Career highlights? I had two - I got an intentional walk from Sandy Koufax and I got out of a rundown against the Mets. Bob Uecker
Career highlights? I had two - I got an intentional walk from Sandy Koufax and I got out of a rundown against the Mets.
I signed Koufax for fourteen grand and a hot dog. Al Campanis
I signed Koufax for fourteen grand and a hot dog.