Imperative Quotes
High bankruptcy rates, increased credit card debt, and identity theft make it imperative that all of us take an active role in providing financial and economic education during all stages of one's life.
Ruben Hinojosa
As our country increasingly relies on electronic information storage and communication, it is imperative that our Government amend our information security laws accordingly.
Jo Ann Davis
We must make it an imperative duty of our government to protect the gifts which Nature has bestowed on America and to insure the maintenance of a clean, healthy, wholesome environment for our people.
George Lincoln Rockwell
Humor is imperative, more important than food. You have a choice when someone dies. You can lie down or get back into life. Do something for someone else.
Doris Roberts
It is imperative for the health and safety of millions of workers that we ensure that breathing systems needed for protection are widely available, convenient and economical.
Bill Shuster
The first and most imperative necessity in war is money, for money means everything else - men, guns, ammunition.
Ida Tarbell
Along with our friends in the GCC, the first order of business is stability. Beyond the imperative of stability, the most important priority is job creation for all Bahrainis.
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
When quick results are imperative, the manipulation of the masses through symbols may be the only quick way of having a critical thing done.
John Grierson
This is now a global war on terror and, indeed, it is important, it is imperative that we win in the battles in Afghanistan and that we win in the battles in Iraq. And as the gentleman from Georgia has mentioned, this is not something that is going to be quick and easy.
Marsha Blackburn
Universal education is not only a moral imperative but an economic necessity, to pave the way toward making many more nations self-sufficient and self-sustaining.
Desmond Tutu
With tens of thousands of patients dying every year from preventable medical errors, it is imperative that we embrace available technologies and drastically improve the way medical records are handled and processed.
Jon Porter
I have sometimes been haunted with the idea that it was an imperative duty, knowing what I know, and having seen what I have seen, to do all that lies in my power to show the dangers and the evils of this frightful institution.
Fanny Kemble
With our national savings rate well below one-percent, it is imperative that the government embrace innovative and cost-effective means of boosting personal savings.
Jim Cooper
The political core of any movement for freedom in the society has to have the political imperative to protect free speech.
Bell Hooks
The UN Commission on Human Rights, whose membership in recent years has included countries - such as Libya and Sudan - which have deplorable human rights records, and the recent Oil-for-Food scandal, are just a few examples of why reform is so imperative.
John Linder
It is imperative that we make consumers more aware of the long-term effects of their financial decisions, particularly in managing their credit card debt, so that they can avoid financial pitfalls that may lead to bankruptcy.
Daniel Akaka
In this context, I believe it is an imperative for the new President to select and install his team as quickly as possible, and this does not imply that he must or should appoint members of the 'other' party to his Cabinet, which could contribute to inaction and inefficiency.
Richard V. Allen
The Senate is the last primitive society in the world. We still worship the elders of the tribe and honor the territorial imperative.
Eugene McCarthy
It is absolutely imperative that we protect, preserve and pass on this genetic heritage for man and every other living thing in as good a condition as we received it.
David R. Brower
Healthy children are born from healthy, respected, well-nourished and educated mothers and it is imperative that they have a voice in the decisions which affect them. If you empower a mother and let her have her say towards a poverty-free future, the positive impact this would have on ending hunger will be immense.
Dionne Warwick
While a strong presence on our southern border is imperative, the border cannot be secured unless we enforce our internal laws and stop ignoring the open complicity of U.S. companies and foreign nations to promote illegal activities.
Elton Gallegly
I think it's imperative to follow your heart and choose a profession you're passionate about, and if you haven't found that "spark" yet, if you're not sure what you want to do with your lives - be persistent until you do.
Steve Kerr
Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him.
Henry Miller
Why we play as children is not because it is our work or because it is how we learn, though both statements are true; we play because we are wired for joy, it is imperative as human beings.
John Thorn